Урок 29. Films


Read the text about the main stages of filmmaking and answer the questions:

Which information was new to you?
Which stages seem to you the most appealing? Which ones appeal to you less?

Would you like to be a part of a filmmaking team?


When you’re watching a 1.5-2-hour film, you can hardly imagine how many people and how much time it took the director and producers to shoot it.

Here are the three main stages of filmmaking.

1. Pre-production and writing a brief

It includes developing ideas, choosing the story and locations, and planning for filming. If there are actors in your film, you may need to write a script and organise a casting session.

The size and type of crew used during filmmaking depends on the type of the film, and the budget. Many Hollywood blockbusters employ a cast and crew of hundreds, while a low-budget, independent film may be made by a crew of eight or nine (or fewer).

2. Production

It includes live action filming and creating any graphics or animations.

A typical day’s shooting begins with the crew arriving on the set. Actors usually have their own schedule and arrive later. Set construction and lighting can take many hours or even days, so they are often set up in advance.

While the crew prepare their equipment, the actors put on their costumes and attend make-up artists. The actors rehearse the script with the director. Then the camera and sound crews rehearse with them and make final updates.

At the end of the day, the director writes the next day’s shooting schedule and sends a report to the production office.

In remote locations workdays often last 14 or 18 hours, so film production often creates a team spirit.

3. Post-production

It is a stage at which the shot material is edited. The sound (dialogue) is also edited. Music songs are recorded. Sound effects are designed and recorded. Any computer-graphic visual effects are added. Finally, when all sound elements are mixed and united with the shot material, the film is fully completed.

Речевой материал:

лексический: blockbuster, filmmaking, script, location, casting session, crew, cast, visual effects, edit, low-budget, day’s shooting, rehearse, team spirit


Сравнительная степень употребляется для сравнения объектов.

Превосходная степень используется для указания на высшую степень качества у того или иного объекта в группе подобных объектов. После прилагательного в сравнительной степени обычно используется than.

Перед прилагательным в превосходной степени обычно используется определенный артикль the.

Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий

— к односложным прилагательным добавляется -(e)r для образования сравнительной степени и -(e)st для образования превосходной:


!!! у односложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на гл. + согл., эта согласная



— двусложные и многосложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень с помощью more, а превосходную с помощью most.

important — more important — most important

!!! у двусложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согл. + y, y заменяется на -i и добавляется er/-est:


!!! прилагательные clever, cruel, friendly, gentle, narrow, quiet, shallow, simple, stupid образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения как с er/-est, так и при помощи more/most:

friendly — friendlier/more friendly — friendliest/most friendly

— к наречиям, которые совпадают по форме с прилагательными (hard, fast, early, late, high, low, deep, long, near, straight), добавляется -er/-est:

fast — faster — fastest

— к другим наречиям (quickly, slowly, easily) добавляется more/most.


good/well — better — best

much — more — most

far — farther/further — farther/furthest

bad/badly — worse — worst

little — less — least

!!! elder/eldest употребляется для описания возраста людей из одной семьи


Ваулина Ю. Е., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. 9 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М.: Просвещение, 2017. — (Английский в фокусе)