Урок 50. Describing places

Конспект урока

Английский язык, 11 класс

Урок № 50. Describing places

Тема урока – Describing Places!

Цель урока – teach the students how to describe places.

Задачи урока – explain phrases using the senses; static/moving features, teach the students to describe their favourite place, practise reading for gist and reading for specific information, practise the grammar rules (the order of adjectives; past participles) and write an article describing a popular tourist destination/a letter recommending the perfect day for a day trip.

  • You will listen, read, and talk about different places.
  • You will learn how to describe your favourite place.
  • You will learn how to express your feelings.
  • You will learn how to write an article describing a popular tourist destination.

Task 1 – Match the word to the definition

  1. Charming
  2. Contemporary
  3. Ancient
  4. Picturesque
  5. Touristic
  1. A place that has a long history
  2. A place that is interesting and charming in a unique way
  3. A place, visited by millions of people
  4. Modern, very up-to-date
  5. Nice, very pleasing

Task 2 — Fill in the words

crickets, crimson, fairytale-like, ancient,

pale, peace and quiet, shady, touristic

  1. Athens is an ________city. It was established thousands of years ago.
  2. Moscow is really a _______city, as millions of people visit it every year.
  3. We admired the______, cloudless sky.
  4. The sunset yesterday was__________. I’ve never seen such a sunset before!
  5. We went to the _______park, listened to birds and________, and admired the _________________of the place. It was a _________evening after the tiring working day.

Task 3 – Group the words

azure, blazing, cricket, crunch, dense, smell, exciting,

graffiti-covered, taste, lush, scenery, scent,

touch, chirp, peace and quiet




Task 4 — Choose the correct word

  1. I like listening to the birds’ chirping / blazing in the forest.
  2. This building is very old and sleek / shabby.
  3. She likes smelling the scent / lush of roses.
  4. When they got to the top of the mountain, they were astonished by the spectacular scenery / lush.
  5. This city is contemporary / ancient. It dates back to the 11th century.

Task 5 – Read the sentences and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words

Example – This place is very ___________. – BEAUTY

This place is very beautiful.

  1. Paris is a very ___________ city. – TOURIST
  2. The scenery from the top of the mountain was really ___________. – SPECTACLE
  3. I could not see any clouds. The sky was pale and __________. – CLOUD
  4. People walked ________ along the paths of the park. – LEISURE
  5. It was an _____________ experience. – EXCITE

Task 6 — Find the synonyms















Task 7 – Put the adjectives in the correct order

  1. crimson / sunset / picturesque
  2. shabby / brick / old / red / building
  3. Greek / spectacular / ancient / monument
  4. Russian / charming / dense / forest

Task 8 — Read the text. Put the paragraphs in the correct order.

  1. Baikal Lake is a charming place! I have many unforgettable memories of its monuments, wonderful scenery, sounds, and smells. I will always remember that trip and will do my best to return there and explore new places, as there are lots of things I did not see last summer!
  2. Everyone has a special place, which is important for them and brings back happy memories. Well, I am not an exception. For me it’s Baikal Lake, Siberia, Russia. It has always been the destination of my dream. And I am the luckiest person, because last summer my dream came true. I spent two wonderful weeks there. The lake is in a really fairytale-like location and there are many exciting things to see there.
  3. Such a charming ancient place offers lots of things to its visitors. People can not only explore the wilderness of Taiga forest, but also experience the unique spiritual life of the natives. When I was there last week, I visited mineral springs, the Buddhist temple and even a fairytale-like mysterious canyon. On the first day of my trip I was astonished by the old-style architecture of historical branch of Transsib railroad, which is still in use for tourists in Listvyanka village. After that I decided to go to the “Sunny Island” of Olkhon. It is a stunningly amazing and picturesque place with a mixture of different landscapes. There I felt the unity with mother-nature. Just imagine – you are standing at the top of a rock, the sky is pale and cloudless, the birds are chirping and the crickets are crunching, you look down the rock at the expanse of the lake and as far as the eye can see there is only azure water. And calmness feels you. You feel the peace and quiet of this amazing place, listen to the ancient legends and really forget all your problems!
  4. The lake and the area around it are both unique and stunningly picturesque. On the shore there are small villages with beautiful shabby buildings. The lake is enormous; the natives even call it «sea». Moreover, it is the largest freshwater lake in the world! Scientists say, it has a maximum depth of 1 642 m, but the natives believe, it is much deeper. I can’t but say, that the lake is the world’s clearest and oldest lake. It is about 25-30 million years old!

Task 9 — Read the paragraph «C» again. Write down the words the author uses to describe the following:

________________ place

________________ life

________________ canyon

________________ architecture

________________ island

________________ sky

________________ water

________________ legends

Task 10 — Mark the sentences — True / False / Not stated

1 – The author was in Siberia last summer. — True / False / Not stated

2 — The author spent there fifteen days. — True / False / Not stated

3 – The lake is the clearest and the oldest in the world. — True / False / Not stated

4 – The natives never call the lake “sea”. — True / False / Not stated

5 – The historical branch of Transsib railroad is 3 km long. — True / False / Not stated

6 – There are a lot of canyons on the “Sunny Island” of Olkhon. — True / False / Not stated

7 – The author saw all the interesting places of that region. — True / False / Not stated

Task 11 — The past participle can be used to introduce the phrases with a passive meaning. Ex – Surrounded by the forest, the castle is in an amazing location. (The castle is surrounded by the forest). Rewrite the following sentences beginning with a past participle.

  1. He was interested in ancient history. He went to Greece.
  2. She was amazed by the scenery. She stood at the top of the rock.
  3. The island is isolated from the mainland. It is popular with people, searching for peace and quiet.
  4. Baikal is visited by millions of tourists. It is famous for its picturesque scenery.

Task 12 – Read and choose the answer

Everyone has a list of destinations to visit. My list started from Ireland. I’ve always dreamed to visit the Emerald Island and admire the stunningly charming scenery. This summer I’ve fulfilled my dream! I went to Dublin in June. It was really a trip of a lifetime!

First of all I went to Trinity College in Dublin, the oldest and the most prestigious one in Ireland. It is a fairytale-like place, which unites Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett, Chris de Burgh and Jonathan Swift.

Founded in 1592 in the heart of Dublin, this college has an interesting history. The college survived 2 wars in the 17th century and from then it became the synonym of “good education”. A lot of wealthy families sent their sons to study there.

As a tourist I liked walking leisurely along the corridors of such a great place. I even visited its library. There are more than 4 million books! I saw the well-known Book of Kells, one of the most precious medieval books in existence.

This excursion was an ideal start for my trip around Ireland!

1 – Emerald Ireland is the nickname of…

  1. Northern Ireland
  2. Ireland
  3. The UK

2 – The author went to Dublin in…

  1. June
  2. July
  3. January

3 – Trinity College is the oldest and the most prestigious one in Ireland.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. Not Stated

4 – What famous musician graduated from Trinity College?

  1. Oscar Wilde
  2. Samuel Beckett
  3. Chris de Burgh
  4. Jonathan Swift.

4 – When was it found?

  1. 1592
  2. 1692
  3. 17th century

5 – Did girls study there at the 17th century?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Not Stated

6 – What precious medieval book can be seen in the library of the college?

  1. Beowulf
  2. The Bible
  3. Book of Kells

Task 13 — Do the crossword puzzle















1. малиновый, багряный

2. живописный

4. современный

5. туристский

9. покрытый пышной растительностью

11. сверчок

3. густой, плотный

6. неспешно

7. захватывающий, впечатляющий

8. ветхий, потрепанный

10. хруст, треск

12. чирикать, щебетать

Task 14 — Translate into English

1 – Стоя на берегу этой очаровательной реки, я наслаждался багряным закатом. — ________


2 – Гуляя по дорожкам в сказочном тенистом парке, она слушала щебет птиц. — _________


3 – Это было живописное каменное, ветхое здание. — ________________________________


4 – Неспешно гуляя в тенистом лесу, он наслаждался ароматом цветов. — _______________


Task 15 – Think of your favourite place. Write an article describing it (120-180 words).























Fill in the words

  1. Athens is an ancient city. It was established thousands of years ago.
  2. Moscow is really a touristic city, as millions of people visit it every year.
  3. We admired the pale, cloudless sky.
  4. The sunset yesterday was crimson. I’ve never seen such a sunset before!
  5. We went to the shady park, listened to birds and crickets, and admired the peace and quiet of the place. It was a fairytale-like evening after the tiring working day.


Choose the correct word

  1. I like listening to the birds’ chirping / blazing in the forest.
  2. This building is very old and sleek / shabby.
  3. She likes smelling the scent / lush of roses.
  4. When they got to the top of the mountain, they were astonished by the spectacular scenery / lush.
  5. This city is contemporary / ancient. It dates back to the 11th century.


Read the sentences and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words







Put the adjectives in the correct order

  1. picturesque crimson sunset
  2. shabby old red brick building
  3. spectacular ancient Greek monument
  4. charming dense Russian forest


Read the text. Put the paragraphs in the correct order

1 – b

2 – d

3 – c

4 – a


Read the paragraph again. Write down the words the author uses to describe the following:

charming ancient place

unique spiritual life

fairytale-like mysterious canyon

old-style architecture

stunningly amazing and picturesque island

pale and cloudless sky

azure water

ancient legends


Mark the sentences — True / False / Not stated

1 – True

2 — False

3 – True

4 – False

5 – Not stated

6 – Not stated

7 – False


Rewrite the following sentences beginning with a past participle

  1. Interested in ancient history, he went to Greece.
  2. Amazed by the scenery, she stood at the top of the rock.
  3. Isolated from the mainland, the island is popular with people, searching for peace and quiet.
  4. Visited by millions of tourists, Baikal is famous for its picturesque scenery.


Read and choose the answer

1 – b

2 – a

3 – c

4 – a

5 – b

6 — c


Translate into English

1 — Standing on the bank of this charming river, I admired the crimson sunset.

2 — Walking along the paths in the fairytale-like shady park, she listened to the birds’ chirping.

3 — It was a picturesque shabby stone building.

4 – Leisurely walking in the shady forest, he admired the scent of flowers.

Лексический материал урока

As far as the eye can see- насколько глаз может увидеть

Blazing – полыхающий

Chirp – чирикать, щебетать (о птицах)

Cricket – сверчок

Crunch – хруст, треск

Dense – густой, плотный

Ideal – идеальный

Leisurely – неспешно

Lush – покрытый пышной растительностью

Scent – аромат

Shady – тенистый

Spectacular – захватывающий, впечатляющий

Struck – впечатляюще

Stunningly – потрясающе

Fairytale-like – сказочный, похожий на сказку

Peace and quiet – тишина и спокойствие
Scenery – пейзаж, обстановка

Beautiful — красивый

Charming – очаровательный, чарующий

Exciting – волнующий, захватывающий, увлекательный

Ancient — древний

Contemporary — современный

Picturesque – живописный, колоритный

Touristic — туристский

Sky: pale – бледное (небо)

Cloudless — безоблачное

Azure – лазурный, небесно-голубой

Crimson – малиновый, багряный

Buildings:  shabby – потрепанный, ветхий

Sleek — ухоженный
Buildings (walls): brick — кирпичный

Stone – каменный

Marble — мраморный

Glass — стеклянный

Steel – стальной, металлический

Graffiti-covered – покрытый / расписанный граффити


  1. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В. Английский в фокусе. 11 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.стр 146 — 148
  2. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В. Английский в фокусе. 11 класс. Рабочая тетрадь. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. Стр 65