Конспект урока
Английский язык, 11 класс
Урок № 11. Jane Eyre
We’ll discuss the classical English literature
We’ll know some facts from Charlotte Brontё’s life.
We’ll learn some characters from Charlotte Brontё’s novel Jane Eyre.
We can use the new words from Charlotte Brontё’s novel in your own speech.
Affection-привязанность , bewildered — озадаченный, a threat -угроза, an infliction — нанесение ущерба, to take smb’s side against smb –принимать чью-то сторону против кого-то , obedient — послушный, to dread — страшиться, shortly — вскоре, to totter – идти неровно, ковылять, sneaking- крадущийся, тайный, accustomed to – привыкший к, a dependant — иждивенец, to rummage – рыться, искать, копаться, to predominate — преобладать, to bellow – кричать, вопить, to hurl — метнуть, to grasp -ухватиться, to trickle — струиться.
1. Н.И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова «Spotlight» («Английский в фокусе») 11 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций М.: Просвещение, 2018., p.34-35
The novel Jane Eyre is about an orphaned girl who is brought up by her aunt and cousins John, Eliza and Georgiana.
John had not much affection for his mother and sisters, and he strongly disliked Jane.
There were moments when Jane was bewildered by his threats and inflictions.
The obedient servants didn’t like to offend their young master by taking Jane’s side against him.
Jane dreaded the blow from John and tottered away shortly after he struck her.
Once he struck her and told it was for the sneaking way of getting behind the curtains.
He also told that Jane was a dependant and couldn’t rummage through his bookshelves to find a book to read.
Accustomed to John’s abuse, Jane had never thought of replying him before. But that time John told her to stand by the door and hurled a book which hit Jane.
So, she replied that he was a wicked and cruel boy, a murderer like Roman emperors. John didn’t expected. He ran to Jane, grasped her hair and her shoulder.
Jane felt a drop or two of blood from her head trickle down her neck. Then deep suffering predominated over fear.
She didn’t remember what she did with her hands but John bellowed out aloud. Soon help was near him and Jane was punished..
Thus, Jane had a difficult life which the book follows. But she finally found love and happiness.
Jane Eyre has been made into several movies and TV series.
And it’s one of the most well-known English books all over the world.
ЗАДАНИЕ 6: Восстановление последовательности элементов горизонтальное / вертикальное
Make up the sentences from the parts:
1. accustomed, different, travel, types, you, be, of, you, a, to, should, if, weather, lot.
2. totter, the, that, were, the, they, so, tourists, hotel, to, exhausted.
3. was, by, their, morning, them, she, was, calls, absence, whole, making, and, bewildered, the.
4. rain, so, the, was, dreaded, the, heavy, that, we, disaster.
Правильный вариант:
1.If you travel a lot you should be accustomed to different types of weather.
2. The tourists were so exhausted that they totter to the hotel.
3. She was making them calls the whole morning and was bewildered by their absence.
4. The rain was so heavy that we dreaded the disaster.
1.Задание проверяет знание порядка слов как в простом, так и в сложном предложении.
2.Внимательно читаете все слова в цепочке
3. Находите грамматическую основу как главного, так и придаточного предложения
4.Устанавливаете зависимость прочих членов предложения от каждой грамматической основы.
5. Если вы поняли, что имеете дело с придаточным предложением, то находите связку – наречие или союзное слово – и устанавливаете, какой тип придаточного предложения перед вами: относительное, причины, следствия или результата.
6. Соединяете все члены сложного предложения
7. Внимательно читаете полученное предложения ещё раз, помня о порядке слов и обращая особое внимание на употребление артиклей, местоимений разных групп, предлогов и союзов.
ЗАДАНИЕ 3 : Выбор элемента из выпадающего списка
Текст задания: Choose the right answer:
1. My elder brother always has/takes my side against parents when we have an argument.
2. She became pale at once and totter/bellow as she was going to fall.
3. I’ve always had a bewildered/sneaking admiration of him.
4. He thought he’d lost the passport and rummaged/bellowed through the shelves and in the drawers.
5. The pain was awful and he bellowed/bewildered like a beast.
6. Accustomed/dreaded to constant exercises I go on doing them even when I’m ill.
1.Задание проверяет знание ЛЕ, изученных на уроке.
2.Внимательно читаете каждое предложение, обращая внимание на то, какая часть речи требуется после слова, где вам следует сделать выбор (в случае, если на выбор даются разные части речи).
3. Вспоминаете слова и выражения, изученные на уроке
4. Выбираете слово, подходящее по смыслу и значению
5.После выполнения задания внимательно читаете полученные предложения ещё раз.