Урок 13. My collection

Конспект урока

Английский язык

5 класс

Урок 13

My collection

Перечень рассматриваемых вопросов:

Научиться рассказывать о коллекции;

Развить умения монологической речи;

Научиться использовать новые слова по теме урока в речи;

Развить умения диалогической речи.


Album – альбом

Coins –монеты

Stamps – марки

Tea cups – чайные чашки

Badges – значки

Stickers – наклейки

CDs – диски

Computer games – компьютерные игры

Photos – фотографии

Toys – игрушки

Pictures – картинки

Easy – лёгкий

Happy – счастливый

To be proud of – гордиться

Great – большой

Список литературы

Обязательная литература:

Ваулина Ю.Е, «Английский в фокусе», учебник английского языка для общеобразовательных школ, 5 класс// Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В., — М., Просвещение, ExpressPublishing, 2018-124с.

Открытые электронные ресурсы:

Образовательный портал URL: http://www.languageguide.org/ (дата обращения: 26.06.2019)

Материал для самостоятельного изучения темы

Tom comes home after school and meets his father. They are in the living room.

Tom: Tom: Daddy, many boys in our class have different collections. Tim collects coins. He has 16 coins.

They are from African and Asian countries.

Robin has a collection of football stickers; he is a sports fan and knows everything about football.

Larry is fond of badges. He brings them from the countries he visits on his holidays. He has already been to 6 countries in Europe.

Max collects unusual hats. His collection is funny. He wears his hats to parties.

Father: I have a collection too and I can show it to you, Tom. Do you want to have a look?

Tom: What collection is it?

Father: When I was a boy, I was fond of stamps and I have a great collection of them in this album…

Tom: Wow! There are so many stamps here!

Father: yes. I am proud of my collection. Look at this black stamp. This is a very old stamp, it’s called a Penny Black. That stamp was printed in 1840. You can see a portrait of Queen Victoria on it. It is very expensive now.

And this stamp is from Brazil; it is very rare. This one is from Japan. The picture is very nice, isn’t it? And this one is from Russia. You can see the first spaceman, Yuri Gagarin on it.

I have stamps with animals and birds, plants and flowers. Look! There are images of rare airplanes on them!

Stamp collecting is called philately. Collecting stamps helps you broaden your horizons. You read and learn a lot from History,

Geography, Botany, Art.

Many people enjoy this hobby. They are called philatelists. You can have friends from many countries of the world with the same interest as yours. Of course, sending letters with stamps by post isn’t popular now, but you can write e-mails and exchange stamps and interesting facts about them.

Tom: Dad, I like your collection very much! I want to collect something too.

Father: I think, you have a great collection of computer games now!

Tom: You know I like travelling. May be, I could collect souvenirs from different countries.

Father: That’s a good idea, Tom!

Do you have a collection?

Притяжательные местоимения.

Существует группа местоимений, выражающая принадлежность – притяжательные местоимения. Запомните их: my (мой), our (наш), your (твой, ваш), his (его), her (её), its (его (неодушевл.), their (их). Пример: hisbook, ourcoins

Притяжательная форма существительных.

Выражает принадлежность предмета владельцу: boy`s computer (владелец +вещь). Для этого используется апостроф ` и окончание –s. Если владельцев несколько, апостроф ставится после окончания множественного числа (-s, -es): boys` computer – компьютер мальчиков.

Тренировочные задания

Put the English pronouns in the table (personal and possessive).

Personal (личные)

Possessive (притяжательные)





Ты, вы

Твой, ваш





Он, она, оно (неодуш.)

Его, её (неодуш.)



I, they, we, he, she, it, you, their, my, her, his, our, its, your

Правильные ответы:

Personal (личные)

Possessive (притяжательные)















2.Выбор элемента из выпадающего списка

Choose the correct word.

  1. We have an album/a disc with stamps at home.
  2. I like music and I have a collection of teacups/CDs.
  3. My little brother collects dolls/toy soldiers.
  4. There are nice pictures/photos on the stamps.
  5. My collection makes me unhappy/happy.

Чтобы правильно выполнить задание, вспомните правила, о которых говорилось на уроке и те, которые Вы проходили ранее.


1. We have an album/a disc with stamps at home.

2. I like music and I have a collection of teacups/CDs.

3. My little brother collects dolls/toy soldiers.

4. There are nice pictures/photos on the stamps.

5. My collection makes me unhappy/happy.