Речевой материал:
Лексический: developskills, staff, makealist, subject, interview, expert, surf the Internet, draft, suspense, submit, deadline, pass on, climax, cover a story, fact, editor.
Ваулина Ю. Е., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. 7 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М.: Просвещение, 2017. — (Английский в фокусе)
Watch the video again and complete the sentences.
1) Putting out a school is a cool way to learn about magazines and also to develop many .
2) Magazine stories don’t try to build up , they put important first.
3) Submit your story to the of your school magazine. Meet your .
magazine skills suspense facts editor deadline book people story father fear Верно Неверно Повторить Сбросить ПроверитьПоказать ответ