Урок 23. The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Конспект урока

Английский язык, 11 класс

Урок № 23. The adventures of Tom Sawyer

На уроке мы:

  • узнаем слова по теме «Приключения Тома Сойера»;
  • узнаем биографию Марка Твена;
  • научимся составлять пересказ текста.

Task 1. Познакомься со слова урока.

Stretch – растянуть

Glimpse – бросить мимолётный взгляд

Labour – трудиться

Hail – окликнуть

Row – грести

Track out – выслеживать

String – натянуть

Admit – принять

Drown – тонуть

Fetch – принести

Fumble – идти на ощупь

Crawl – ползти

Creep – красться

Dawdle – идти медленно

Sprint – быстро бежать

Wander – бродить

Stomp — топать

Task 2. Переведи выражения на русский язык.






Track out












Task 3. Choose the right answer.

One of the recent books that I’ve read was (1)_____________________________. Since then, my favourite hero is Tom Sawyer. (2)____________________ the courage and inventiveness of this twelve-year old boy. He is often (3)______________________. He lives with his aunt Polly, his cousin Mary and his half-brother Sid. They don’t get along well, (4)___________________________, while Tom often misbehaves. He is rather careless and he likes (5)_______________________. His best friends are Huckleberry Finn and Joe Harper. In my opinion, this hero represents (6)__________________. He can easily get in love with a girl. He can run away with friends to an island (7)_____________.

Фразы для подстановки в текст

  1. because Sid is a positive hero
  2. to enjoy freedom.
  3. I admire
  4. childhood in all forms
  5. caught in trouble
  6. «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain
  7. showing off in front of other boys

Task 4. Choose the right word in the dialogue.

Judge: Don`t you want to go to the (cave/park) again, Tom?

Tom: Oh, no!

Judge: Other people could (help/try) to do that, but they have no chances now.

Tom: What did you (do/plan)?

Judge: I had its big door covered with (paper/iron) and (locked/burnt). The only person who has the key is (me/you).

Tom: But there is somebody (outside/inside) the cave!

Judge: Who is it, (boy/girl)?

Tom: It`s Injun Joe!

Task 5. Underline the right words.

1. It was so dark in the corridor that I had to sprint/fumble.

2. The wounded police officer crawled/stomped for a mile.

3. He sprinted/wandered in the forest enjoying the bird singing.

4. The child always stomps/creeps while playing.

5. I dawdled/fumbled home last Friday, as I was very tired.

6. He wandered/crept and frightened me.

Task 6. Find 7 words on the topic “Verbs of motion’.







Cлова для поиска: wander, fumble, dawdle, creep, crawl, sprint, stomp

Task 7. Read the text and choose the right sentences.

Narrative techniques.

If you want to tell a good story, use different narrative techniques. Try not to use simple verbs. On the contrary, use more descriptive, complex verbs. Speak about feelings. Don`t avoid complex sentences. Don`t put simple adjectives and adverbs. Use metaphors, similes, alliteration and hyperbole.

  1. Use simple verbs.
  2. Speak about feelings.
  3. Use complex sentences.
  4. Use simple adjectives and adverbs.
  5. Use metaphors, similes, alliteration and hyperbole.

Task 8. Read to the dialogue and choose one right answer.

Tom I don’t want to go to school. What can I do to stay at home?

Oh, what a wonderful idea came to me!

Tom Sid! Sid!

Sid Tom! Tom! Do you hear me, Tom? What’s the matter with you?

Tom Leave me alone! Don’t shake me!

Sid What’s the matter with you, Tom? I’ll call Aunt

Tom Don’t call. Don’t call anybody, please.

Oh, Sid! I am dying. I am not angry with you.

I am not angry with Aunt Polly. Tell her so.

Sid Tom, don’t die, please!

Sid Oh, Aunt Polly, come here quickly. Tom is dying.

Aunt Dying?!

Sid Yes! Yes! Come here quickly.

Aunt Nonsense! I don’t believe.

Tom! Tom! What has happened to you, my boy!

Tom Oh, auntie, look at my right hand! It is red. This is gangrene on my finger.

Aunt You frightened me, Tom! That’s enough. Don’t show your tricks any more.

Tom Aunt Polly, my finger hurts me so much that I forgot about my tooth.

Aunt Your tooth? And what has happened to your tooth?

Tom It’s loose.

Aunt Open your mouth. Well, you are right. Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.

Tom Oh, please, dear auntie, don’t pull it out. It is all right now I’ll go to school.

Aunt Go to school? Oh, I see you’ve done it because you don’t want to go to school… Tom, I love you so dearly but you…

And now get up and GO TO SCHOOL!

  1. Tom had gangrene on his finger.
  2. Tom had a problem with his tooth.
  3. Tom was healthy and didn`t want to go to school.

Task 9. Cross out the wrong word.

Writing a story.

Stories describe things/events that happened in our life. They usually have a beginning, a main body and an ending. In the beginning we must create an atmosphere/spirit, explain our food/mood. In the main body we write about the important/unimportant events. In the end we speak about feelings/peeling, reactions, use direct speech or rhetorical question.


Task 2. Переведи выражения на русский язык.






Track out












Задание необходимо для первичного закрепления лексического материала по теме урока. Ознакомившись со словами, ученики легче справятся с упражнениями на развитие лексических навыков и предложенным для изучения материалом урока.


Task 9. Cross out the wrong word.

Writing a story.

Stories describe things/events that happened in our life. They usually have a beginning, a main body and an ending. In the beginning we must create an atmosphere/spirit, explain our food/mood. In the main body we write about the important/unimportant events. In the end we speak about feelings/peeling, reactions, use direct speech or rhetorical question.

В данном упражнении необходимо понимать и использовать слова в соответствии с контекстом. Выбор слова обусловливается его значением и сочетаемостью с ситуацией общения. Позволяет развить лексические навыки.


Writing a story.

Stories describe things/events that happened in our life. They usually have a beginning, a main body and an ending. In the beginning we must create an atmosphere/spirit, explain our food/mood. In the main body we write about the important/unimportant events. In the end we speak about feelings/peeling, reactions, use direct speech or rhetorical question.

Лексические единицы, изученные в данном уроке: stretch, glimpse, labour, hail, row, track out, string, admit, drown, fetch, fumble, crawl, creep, dawdle, sprint, wander, stomp.


  1. Выполни упражнения 1, 2, стр. 32 (Афанасьева О. В.., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.)