Урок 31. Natural world of the UK and Russia


Развитие умений распознавания в письменном и звучащем тексте и употребления в речи лексических единиц по теме «Природа: флора и фауна».

Лексический материал: Natural world, animal, plant, species, flora, fauna, wildlife, moorland, forest, cultivated area, mammal, insect, numerous, common, unique, wild flower, selection, abound in.

Грамматический материал: Предложения со сложными союзами both … and, either … or, neither … nor.

Choose the right word.

1) A wide variety of different can be found in and around the country.

2) Other well-known bird include the golden eagle, pigeon, and sparrow.

3) British includes an incredible selection of plants.

4) Over the centuries, much of the area was cleared for cultivation.

5) There are many threats to and ecological balance around the coast.

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