Урок 41. Education


Ключевые слова:

certificate, degree, report card, timetable, test, exam, take notes, revise regularly.

Речевой материал:

введение новой лексики по теме образование, расширение словарного запаса, развитие навыков аудирования и говорения


1) Certificate — the document you get when you finish your education — сертификат

2) Degree — the qualification you get when you graduate from the university — степень

3) Report card — all your marks that are printed out for your parents. — отчет

4) Timetable — a schedule of the lessons — расписание

5) Test — list of questions that checks the knowledge of the subject — тест

6) Take notes — write down the important information — делать заметки

7) Revise — look through the topics you have already learn — повторять

8) Study group — several students learning together. — учебная группа