Урок 42. Is your neighbourhood neat & tidy?

Конспект урока


6 класс

Урок 42

Is your neighbourhood neat & tidy?

Перечень рассматриваемых вопросов:

  • научиться описывать место, где мы живем, используя различные прилагательные по теме урока и модальные структуры;
  • познакомиться с лексикой по теме «Ourneighbourhood»;
  • расширить знания по теме «модальные глаголы»;
  • актуализировать знания по теме «Повелительное наклонение».


Neat – опрятный, аккуратный;

Tidy – чистый;

Dirty – грязный;

Quiet – тихий, спокойный;

Noisy – шумный;

Green – зеленый;

Industrial – промышленный;

Adwelling – здание;

… leave(s) muchtobedesired. – … оставляетжелатьлучшего;

Pollutedair – загрязненныйвоздух;

acleanup – уборка, субботник;

to clean up – убирать(ся);

totackle – энергично браться (за проблему, задачу. Часто организованно).

Список литературы:

Обязательная литература:

Ваулина Ю.Е, «Английский в фокусе», учебник английского языка для общеобразовательных школ, 6 класс// Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В., — М., Просвещение, ExpressPublishing, 2018, — 84 с.

Открытые электронные ресурсы:

Экологический портал Litterbins. URL: https://www.litterbins.co.uk/blog/keeping-your-neighbourhood-tidy/(Дата обращения – 08.06.2019);

Портал об очистке пляжей SanDiegocoastkeeper – URL:https://www.sdcoastkeeper.org/blog/change-your-habits/top-ten-tips-to-make-your-neighborhood-pollution-free(дата обращения — 08.06.2019);

Портал о воспитании и образовании Kids’ world – URL:https://www.kidzworld.com/article/6559-help-clean-up-your-neighborhood(дата обращения — 08.06.2019);

Delhi air quality: Judges accuse authorities of ‘passing the buck’/ ВВС corporation — URL:https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-50285343(датаобращения — 08.06.2019).

Материал для самостоятельного изучения темы:

What can you see looking through the window? Maybe a park or a playground, and maybe tall dwellings or lots of tiny houses, a shopping centre or a theatre, or even all of these. The things that are around our house are called the neighbourhood. Of course, we all have different neighbours, but the way all of us want to see the area we live in is similar.

Here are some words we can use to describe our neighbourhood.

Neat – опрятный, аккуратный;

Tidy – чистый;

Dirty – грязный;

Quiet -тихий, спокойный;

Noisy -шумный;

Green – зеленый;

Industrial – промышленный;

A building – здание.

Most of us want to see our yards tidy, roads in good condition, friendly neighbours and beautiful dwellings and of course, we all want to breathe fresh air. People who live in places like that are happy. Unfortunately, few people are lucky enough to live in such a place. Sometimes, neighbourhoods leave a lot to be desired. Every day, some of us have to see traffic jams, litter on the streets, traffic lights out of order, broken swings and benches. It’s very difficult to live in such an area.

Many of us want to make our neighbourhood beautiful and comfortable to live in. What can each of us do for it?

Is there much litter in the streets? Do a cleanup with your friends.

Are there no trees and flowers in the area? – You might plant some trees and make a flowerbed.

Is there no place for playing sports? – Ask your parents to help you with a sports ground to play football, volleyball or basketball.

There are some other steps we can take to improve and clean up our neighbourhoods. Here are a few of them:

— Lead by example. The number one thing you can do to keep your neighbourhood clean is set a litter-free example for others.

— Give back. Become involved in a community clean up, or organize one yourself.

— Ride your bike. By riding your bike, you reduce air and water pollution in your neighbourhood and the region as well.

— Reuse. Reuse wrapping paper, gift bags, plastic containers and anything else as much as you can. Recycling is important, but reusing is even better and saves money too.

Wherever we live, we should remember that this place is our home and we should do our best to make it, and keep it, neat and tidy.

Тренировочные задания


Match the words and their opposites.

Clean, quiet, dirty, dangerous, noisy, safe

Чтобы выполнить задание, вспомните видео урока или обратитесь к тезаурусу.

Правильные ответы:

clean – dirty

quiet – noisy

safe – dangerous


Read the text and fill in the gaps.

These days we ___ take a lot of things for granted, but living in a clean and safe neighbourhood ______ be one of them.

Clean streets, parks and beaches make for healthy and happy communities, and if we go further and play our part by wasting less resources and recycling more, we ___ help the wider planet too.

Everyone has the right to live and work in a clean and safe environment, that they can be proud of, and it all starts with you.

Every single person _______ share the responsibility of looking after where they live and the wider world in general.

Вариантыответов: might, shouldn’t, can, has to

These days we might take a lot of things for granted, but living in a clean and safe neighbourhood shouldn’t be one of them.

Clean streets, parks and beaches make for healthy and happy communities, and if we go further and play our part by wasting less resources and recycling more, we can help the wider planet too.

Everyone has the right to live and work in a clean and safe environment, that they can be proud of, and it all starts with you.

Every single person has to share the responsibility of looking after where they live and the wider world in general.