Урок 46. Places to eat in the UK

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Английский язык

6 класс

Урок 46

Places to eat in the UK

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  • познакомиться с наиболее популярными заведениями питаниям и кухней Великобритании;
  • совершенствовать навык поискового и ознакомительного чтения;
  • научиться составлять текст описательного характера по теме «Places to eat in the UK».


fish and chips – рыба в кляре и картофель в кляре

Shepperd’s pie пастуший пирог

Bangers and mash – сосиски и картофельное пюре

Plain – простой, незатейливый

Nutritious -питательный, сытный

Asian – азиатский

Mediterranean — средиземноморский

Oysters — устрицы

Monger — торговец

contributed in large part to … – внес большой вклад в…

clientele — клиентура

aristocrats — аристократы

nannies – няни

a diner – посетитель ресторана/кафе, обедающий

Список литературы

Обязательная литература:
Ваулина Ю.Е, «Английский в фокусе», учебник английского языка для общеобразовательных школ, 6 класс// Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В., — М., Просвещение, Express Publishing, 2018, — 91 с.
Открытые электронные ресурсы:

1.Гастрономические приключения в Британии/онлайн версия газеты Коммерсант – URL: https://www.kommersant.uk/articles/gastronomicheskie-priklyucheniya-v-britanii-luchshie-restorany-londona (дата обращения — 06.07.2019);
2.Focused learning: the history of tea and the science behind it/образовательный портал School is easy – URL: https://www.schooliseasy.com/2015/02/focused-learning-history-tea-science-behind/(дата обращения — 06.07.2019).

Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения

These days we can book a hotel, rent a car and even find love on the Internet. Not to mention finding a place to have dinner. There are so many places to eat in the UK that before going to a café or restaurant, we should decide what cuisine we want. In London there are cafés that serve traditional food such as fish and chips as well as exquisite dishes of national cuisine of different countries.

Of course, as soon as we get to the UK, we want to taste something traditional first. We can do that in various fish and chips shops, pie and mash shops. Some British think that the food should be filling and nutritious. Of course, it should. Light salad is not enough to feed your hunger in such a wet and cool climate.

Meat, fish and vegetables are the basis of British cuisine.

The UK was a colonial power for centuries. It was so extensive that there was always at least one part of their territory that was in daylight. That influenced British cuisine too. Today few people know that tea was a Chinese drink, not a British one.

In London, we can try traditional food from former British colonies. The streets are full of cafés with Asian and Mediterranean cuisine.

Japanese and Italian food is also popular, among young people. A lot of dishes can be ordered as takeaways. Some pizza chains can be found both in Moscow and in London.

There’s even Russian cuisine, it can’t only be found in special restaurants, but even in shops and supermarkets that sell everything to cook Russian dishes.

There are also lots of unusual restaurants in the UK to attract tourists.

In London you can eat in total darkness. The waiters serving your meal there are often blind. Instead of focusing on the restaurant interior or other visitors, you will sharpen your senses of taste and smell.

In Deptford, another restaurant serves freshly baked pizzas on a big red double decker bus. What a good idea – combining a traditional British means of transport with traditional Italian food.

In Norwich we can eat in the reading room of a library. One of its restaurants is designed as a library. That doesn’t mean you have to be a book lover or need a library card to eat there. You can enjoy delicious food even, if you don’t like reading at all.

There are so many places to eat in the UK that if you wanted to visit them all, you’d need to spend several years there.

Тренировочные задания


Complete the sentences with correct form of the verb “Be”.

1. I ….. hungry, let’s go to a café.

2. Wilton….. the oldest restaurant in the UK.

3. There …… a lot of places to eat in London.

4. Young British.…… fond of takeaways.

Чтобы правильно выполнить задания, нужно вспомнить формы глагола BE

Правильный ответ:

1. I am hungry, let’s go to a café.

2. Wilton is the oldest restaurant in the UK.

3. There are a lot of places to eat in London.

4. Young British are fond of takeaways.


Put the sentences in the correct order to build a café review.

Diners can try European and Russian cuisine there. The café is always full of people and I like eating out there because it is quite cheap and the food is delicious.

The café “Shishka” is situated in Serpukhov, Moscow region on Oktyabr’skaya street.

It is on the second floor of a two-storied trade centre.

Local people like the café for its hospitality and tasty food. Young men who are getting their education in a local military college like meeting with their fiancées and spending free time chatting and laughing there. That is why the atmosphere of the café is romantic and joyful.

It is very nice inside: the walls are painted purple and there are dark purple tablecloths on the tables.

Чтобы правильно выполнить задание, нужно вспомнить последовательность обзацев при описании обзора ресторана.

Правильный ответ.

The café “Shishka” is situated in Serpukhov, Moscow region on Oktyabr’skaya street.

It is on the second floor of a two-storied trade centre.

It is very nice inside: the walls are painted purple and there are dark purple tablecloths on the tables.

Diners can try European and Russian cuisine there. The café is always full of people and I like eating out there because it is quite cheap and the food is delicious.

Local people like the café for its hospitality and tasty food. Young men who are getting their education in a local military college like meeting with their fiancées and spending free time chatting and laughing there. That is why the atmosphere of the café is romantic and joyful.