Урок 46. Someone like Dian Fossey

Конспект урока

Английский язык, 11 класс

Урок № 46. Someone like Dian Fossey

На уроке вы:

  • познакомитесь с жизненным путем защитницы окружающей среды Дианы Фосси;
  • научитесь распознавать в тексте и употреблять в речи лексические единицы по теме «Природа и экология, научно-технический прогресс»;
  • продолжите развитие навыков чтения с детальным пониманием прочитанного;
  • разовьете навыки аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации,;
  • сможете применять основные способы словообразования;
  • научитесь описывать жизнь защитника окружающей среды;
  • повторите прилагательные для описания личных качеств человека

Термины и понятия урока № 42 :

Лексические единицы по теме «Природа и экология, научно-технический прогресс. Защита окружающей среды »

Развитие навыков чтения с детальным пониманием прочитанного

Развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации

Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме урока

Развитие лексических навыков: употребление лексических единиц в речи.

Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков: учимся менять форму слова в связном контексте

Повторение прилагательных для описания личных качеств человека

Основная и дополнительная литература по теме урока:

  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский в фокусе. Английский язык. 11 класс. Учебник, стр. 23 – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Книга для чтения. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Языковой портфель. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский язык. Контрольные задания. 11 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017.
  • Абросимова Л С., Дули Дж. и др. Курс на ЕГЭ. 10-11 класс – М.: Просвещение, 2017.

Task 1. Brush up your active vocabulary

work miracles

Творить чудеса


С ограниченными возможностями,


save up

Копить деньги



earn their trust

заслужить доверие

meet the same fate

Попасть в похожую ситуацию

declare war on smb

Объявить войну


Прямой, откровенный


Мишень, цель




Подвергать опасности


Исчезновение, вымирание

Task 2. Match the words with their definitions

Work miracles

End up the same way


focus of attack

save up

put at risk


giving opinions freely without

worrying about offending people

Earn their trust

To be extremely effective

meet the same fate

become their friend

declare war

unlawfully killed


no longer in existence (as a species)


lacking a physical/mental ability


Start intention to fight


keep money to use in the future


way of acting

Task 3. Fill in the missing words.


sb’s trust




The same fate

Word bank: meet, deadlines, war, research, work, earn.

Task 4. Read the text about Dian Fossey and put the sentences A-E in the right place to complete the text. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

Dian Fossey loved animals, trained as an occupational therapist and worked miracles with disabled children.1___ After reading some books by George Schalles she decided to save up and go to Africa for 6 weeks to see the wildlife. When she first saw some mountain gorillas she became fascinated with them and began watching and recording their behaviour. She went home, studied to become a zoologist, and then returned to Africa to spend the rest of her life studying mountain gorillas.

2____One day, a young male gorilla she named Peanuts, came over and touched her hand. After some time, Dian earned their trust and was able to sit with the gorillas and play with them and their babies.

Dian’s favourite gorilla was a young male named Digit. 3____ The poachers were locals making money from selling the hands, heads and feet of the gorillas. They sold their heads as wall decorations, and hands and feet as ashtrays. Several other gorillas met the same fate. Dian declared war on the poachers.

Unfortunately, she was so outspoken that she became a target for violence.On December 26th, 1985, she was found murdered in her cabin. She was buried in the cemetery next to her beloved gorillas. She was 53 years old.4 ____

What happened to Diana’s beloved gorillas is what can happen to all animals whose parts are used to make souvenirs. So, be aware and never bring back any exotic gifts along with your beautiful memories. Buying souvenirs made from ivory, animal skins, teeth, bones, coral or turtle shells endangers animals and keeps poachers in business. Don’t help drive innocent animals to extinction.

Перетягиваемые элементы:

A Her killer, probably a poacher, was never found.

B Tragically, on New Year’s Day, 1978, Dian found he had been killed by poachers.

C She didn’t have any children herself.

D However, she had always had a desire to see more of the world.

E Over time, Dian came to know the gorillas as individuals and gave them all names.

Task 5. Fill in the missing word. Which of these adjectives best describe Dian? sensitive,

dishonest, caring, patient, nervous, determined.

А Dian must have been a very _________ person because she spent her life helping disabled children and then wild gorillas.

В Dian must have been very __________ because gorillas do not trust humans easily and gaining their trust must have taken a very long time.

С To declare war on poachers, people who could and did kill her, shows how ____________ she was to protect the gorillas.

Task 6 Read the text about Rachel Carson and fill in the missing words from the word-bank. 2 words are extra.

Rachel Carson (1907 – 1964), an American marine biologist and nature writer, grew up on a small farm near Springdale, Pennsylvania. An ______ reader at an early age, she began writing when she was just eight years old. She is best known today for her work ‘Silent Spring’ which led to a nationwide _______ on the use of DDT and other harmful pesticides.

After studying __________ at the Pennsylvania College for Women, she studied zoology and gained her master’s _______ in 1934. In 1935 her father died suddenly and Carson was left to take ______ of her aging mother. Rather than study further (to obtain a _________), she took on a job at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. Carson also began submitting ________ on marine life to newspapers and magazines. In 1952 she gave up her job to concentrate on her writing. Carson’s main subject was the dangers of pesticide __________. She investigated many cases of pesticide exposure and found evidence to support the pesticide-cancer __________.

Unfortunately, she developed _________ herself and died at the age of 56. In recognition for her work, Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest civilian __________ in the United States.

Word bank: connection, articles, overuse, cancer, stories, degree, care, time, biology, ban, doctorate, avid, honour

Task 7. Read the text and for each gap 1-7 choose the correct answer A-C.

Up until 1900, fishermen caught around 150,000 salmon a year in the Rhine, but by 1920, that number had dropped to 30,000. Six years __________(1) the last few fish in the river were wiped out completely. This ecological disaster occurred when toxic pesticides __________(2) into the river from a burning chemical factory in Switzerland.

Almost immediately, however, ecological________ (3) along with the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine, started the Salmon 2,000 programme. Their________ (4) was to make the river clean enough for (5) types of fish to live in once more.

Today, their task is almost complete and __________(6) laws prohibit the dumping of waste into the river. Moreover, thousands of young salmon will be released there to encourage the redevelopment of the Rhine’s fishing industry. In fact, it is hoped that ___________ (7) this century, there will be up to 2,000 salmon living and breeding there.


A before

B ago

C then


A poured

B jumped

C felt


A members

B groups

C people


A reason

B want

C aim


A none

B every

C all


A new

B recent

C first


A in the end

B before

C by the end

Task 8. Read the text and put the paragraphs in the correct order

  1. … Another solution is to promote education about endangered species. If people are aware of the problem, then they will buy fewer products made of materials such as ivory or fur.
  2. … In conclusion, there are many ways to make our world a better place for animals. We all need to do whatever we can. As Malcolm Bradbury said, «If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.»
  3. … Is our planet a safe place for animals? Unfortunately, it does not seem like it. Thousands of species have become extinct and many more are now endangered. We need to do something before it is too late for them.
  4. .. .Firstly, measures need to be taken to protect our wildlife. The destruction of threatened animals’ habitat should be illegal, with long prison sentences for people who b teak these laws. This would protect animals and the environments they live in.
  5. e) … Finally, we should create more national parks and conservation areas. This would allow animals to live and breed safely then natural habitats. As a result, then numbers would increase and species would not die out.






Task 9. Read the text and fill in the word that best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

Sowing the seeds for survival

When people mention endangered species the 1) _______things that come 2) ____ mind are probably whales ,pandas or tigers. Not 3) ______ people would think of plants, but, in 4) ______, there are far more threatened species of plants 5) ______ of threatened mammals, fish, birds and insects combined.

One of the 6) ________ threats to the survival of many plants is industrialization. This causes pollution and acid rain, 7) _______ destroy forests and harm many species of plant. Another threat is man! Many products that man uses 8) _______ from plants. For instance, many plants 9) ______ collected from the Amazon and are used to make medicines. Other plants 10 ) ______ as mahogany trees, are valued 11) ______ their timber and are very popular building materials. There are even plants that 12) __________ become desirable collector’s items . Luckily, 13) ________ and more people are becoming aware 14) ______ the problem and change is on the way. 15)________ are now a number of organizations that are working to protect endangered plants as 16)________ as animal species and preserve all living things for the future.

Task 10. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

Treasuring the Tundra

The tundra is a cold, dry (1)______(tree) region with     very cold temperature and little rain. One of its most (2) ______(distinct) characteristics is the  (3) _______(permanent) frozen layer of ground  called permafrost. (4)________(surprise), these extreme   conditions can support a wide (5) _______(vary) of   wildlife. In fact, several groups of Inuit people live there, relying on   hunting and fishing for their (6) ________(survive). The animal life includes such species as arctic foxes, reindeer,      wolves and seals. In spring, (7) ______(colour)   flowers cover the ground. The snow offers (8)________(protect)  to such plants, allowing them to resist the cold temperatures.  However, it is (8) _________(possible) for trees and   larger plants to live in this environment. The tundra is extremely   fragile, so any changes caused by increasing temperatures and  high (9) ________(pollute) levels will have  (10)_________(consider) effect on the environment.  We need to safeguard this delicate environment for the future. 

Task 11. Read the text and cross out words that shouldn’t be there (8 words in total)

More than 80 % of the Earth’s forests have been destroyed-by the man. However, at last, we are beginning to understand that the key role which forests play in keeping us alive. To protecting our forests is important for many reasons. To start with, plants produce oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air. Deforestation increases in the amount of carbon dioxide the atmosphere. Unfortunately, carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that absorb the heat from the sun. So on, more carbon dioxide means that more than heat is absorbed and reflected on the Earth’s surface, leading to global warming. But this is not at all. The plants and animals of the forests also provide us with food, fuel, shelter, and medicines! At least we are now realizing how many important it is to protect and save our forests. I just hope it’s not too late!


Task 11. Read the text and cross out words that shouldn’t be there (8 words in total)

More than 80 % of the Earth’s forests have been destroyed-by the man. However, at last, we are beginning to understand that the key role which forests play in keeping us alive. To protecting our forests is important for many reasons. To start with, plants produce oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air. Deforestation increases in the amount of carbon dioxide the atmosphere. Unfortunately, carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that absorb the heat from the sun. So on, more carbon dioxide means that more than heat is absorbed and reflected on the Earth’s surface, leading to global warming. But this is not at all. The plants and animals of the forests also provide us with food, fuel, shelter, and medicines! At least we are now realizing how many important it is to protect and save our forests. I just hope it’s not too late!

Данное задание проверяет внимание обучающихся к употреблению служебных частей речи: артиклей, союзов, предлогов и т.д. Чтобы грамотно справиться с заданием подобного типа, нужно произвести разбор каждого предложения с точки зрения грамматической целостности и последовательности употребления вспомогательных частей речи. Рассмотрим первое предложение More than 80 % of the Earth’s forests have been destroyed-by the man. Очевидно, что определенного артикля во фразе by the man быть не должно, так как здесь имеется ввиду общий смысл и артикль здесь не требуется: More than 80 % of the Earth’s forests have been destroyed-by the man. Второе предложение However, at last, we are beginning to understand that the key role which forests play in keeping us alive на первый взгляд кажется правильным, однако, проанализировав структуру предложения, мы увидим, что это не сложноподчиненное предложение, следовательно союз that здесь не нужен, так как он не присоединяет придаточное изъяснительное предложение: However, at last, we are beginning to understand that the key role which forests play in keeping us alive. Третье предложение To protecting our forests is important for many reasons. Имеет в своем составе в качестве подлежащего неличную форму глагола- герундий. Но подлежащему не требуется предлог, следовательно, to –лишнее слово: To protecting our forests is important for many reasons. Следующее предложение To start with, plants produce oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air. лишних слов не содержит. В предложении Deforestation increases in the amount of carbon dioxide the atmosphere предлог in лишний, так как глагол increase не управляет предлогом in. Следующее предложение Unfortunately, carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that absorb the heat from the sun не содержит лишних слов. В предложении So on, more carbon dioxide means that more than heat is absorbed and reflected on the Earth’s surface, leading to global warming лишний предлог on во фразе So on, так как это вводная конструкция со значением результата. Кроме того, предлог than лишний во фразе со сравнительной степенью: So on, more carbon dioxide means that more than heat is absorbed and reflected on the Earth’s surface, leading to global warming.

В предложении But this is not at all лишний предлог at в данном контексте. But this is not at all.Следующее предложение не содержат лишних слов. В последнем предложении At least we are now realizing how many important it is to protect and save our forests. I just hope it’s not too late! Лишнее слово many, так как по смыслу здесь не требуется количественное местоимение: At least we are now realizing how many important it is to protect and save our forests. I just hope it’s not too late!


Task 10. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

Treasuring the Tundra

The tundra is a cold, dry (1)______(tree) region with     very cold temperature and little rain. One of its most (2) ______(distinct) characteristics is the  (3) _______(permanent) frozen layer of ground  called permafrost. (4)________(surprise), these extreme   conditions can support a wide (5) _______(vary) of   wildlife. In fact, several groups of Inuit people live there, relying on   hunting and fishing for their (6) ________(survive). The animal life includes such species as arctic foxes, reindeer,      wolves and seals. In spring, (7) ______(colour)   flowers cover the ground. The snow offers (8)________(protect)  to such plants, allowing them to resist the cold temperatures.  However, it is (8) _________(possible) for trees and   larger plants to live in this environment. The tundra is extremely   fragile, so any changes caused by increasing temperatures and  high (9) ________(pollute) levels will have  (10)_________(consider) effect on the environment.  We need to safeguard this delicate environment for the future. 

Данное задание высокого уровня сложности проверяет уровень сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков в разделе словообразования. Чтобы справиться с заданием, необходимо сначала бегло просмотреть текст, чтобы понять его основную мысль. Затем необходимо проанализировать каждый пропуск: какой части речи не хватает исходя из синтаксической функции? Какие флексии могут помочь образовать эту часть речи? Какие грамматические категории есть у образованной части речи? В конце необходимо снова прочитать текст на связность и логичность. В первом пропуске The tundra is a cold, dry (1)______(tree) region with     very cold temperature and little rain необходимо образовать прилагательное, которое будет определять существительное region. Очевидно, что суффикс должен обозначать отсутствие качества. Это суффикс less: The tundra is a cold, dry (1) TREELESS region with     very cold temperature and little rain. Во втором пропуске One of its most (2) ______(distinct) characteristics is the  (3) _______(permanent) frozen layer of ground  called permafrost. необходимо образовать прилагательное, которое будет определять существительное characteristics и наречие, которое будет определять прилагательное frozen. От distinct образуем distinctive, а от прилагательного permanent образуем наречие permanently: One of its most (2) DISTINCTIVE characteristics is the  (3) PERMANENTLY frozen layer of ground  called permafrost.

В следующем предложении (4)________(surprise), these extreme   conditions can support a wide (5) _______(vary) of   wildlife до запятой, очевидно, стоит вводное слово, то есть наречие surprisingly. В пятом пропуске необходимо образовать существительное от глагола vary, так как оно определяется прилагательным с артиклем: (4)SURPRISINGLY, these extreme   conditions can support a wide (5) VARIETY of   wildlife

In fact, several groups of Inuit people live there, relying on   hunting and fishing for their (6) ________(survive). В этом предложении нам снова нужно образовать существительное от глагола, так как в препозиции идет предлог и притяжательное местоимение: In fact, several groups of Inuit people live there, relying on   hunting and fishing fir their (6) SURVIVAL

В 7 пропуске In spring, (7) ______(colour)   flowers cover the ground. Необходимо образовать прилагательное от существительного colour, так как затем идёт существительное во множественном числе: In spring, (7) COLOURFUL   flowers cover the ground.

В следующем пропуске The snow offers (8)________(protect)  to such plants, allowing them to resist the cold temperatures.  Нам необходимо образовать существительное, так как оно управляет предлогом to: The snow offers (8)PROTECTION  to such plants, allowing them to resist the cold temperatures.  

В восьмом случае However, it is (8) _________(possible) for trees and   larger plants to live in this environment, необходимо образовать прилагательное с отрицательным значением. : However, it is (8) IMPOSSIBLE for trees and   larger plants to live in this environment

В девятом пропуске The tundra is extremely   fragile, so any changes caused by increasing temperatures and  high (9) ________(pollute) levels will have  (10)_________(consider) effect on the environment.  нам необходимо образовать существительное от глагола pollute, так как оно определяется прилагательным high. А в 10 пропуске, напротив, необходимо образовать прилагательное от глагола consider, так как оно определяет существительное effect: The tundra is extremely   fragile, so any changes caused by increasing temperatures and  high (9) POLLUTION levels will have  (10) CONSIDERABLE effect on the environment


  1. Do exercise 5 on page 133 ( учебник Английский в фокусе. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский в фокусе. Английский язык. 11 класс., стр. 133 – М.: Просвещение, 2017.)
  2. Do exercise 1 on page 133 (учебник Английский в фокусе. Афанасьева О.В., Дули Дж. и др. Английский в фокусе. Английский язык. 11 класс., стр. 133 – М.: Просвещение, 2017.)