Урок 47. Stress in your life


Речевой материал:

Лексический: get the blame, gets away with, have it your way, cooperate, rumours, unfair, gossip, harmless, hurtful, mean, sit around, time management, separate, аllow, фразовый глагол fall: fall out with somebody, fall behind, fall apart.

Грамматика: модальный глагол should; unless в условных предложениях.

Choose should or shouldn’t.

1) You should shouldn’t argue with your friend. 2 ) You should shouldn’t eat too much ice cream. 3) You should shouldn’t take care of your pet. 4) You should shouldn’t spend too much time in front of the TV. 5) You should shouldn’t get enough sleep. 6) You should shouldn’t get regular exercise. Верно Неверно Повторить Сбросить ПроверитьПоказать ответ