Конспект урока
Английский язык
Номер класса: 5
Номер урока: 6
Тема урока: School!
Перечень рассматриваемых вопросов
- освоить новые лексические единицы по теме «Школа» во всех видах речевой деятельности.
- научиться употреблять новые лексические единицы в речи;
- закрепить правила употребления неопределенного артикля.
School subjects (Школьные предметы)
English — английский язык
Maths — математика
Science — естествознание
History — история
Art — рисование
Geography — география
Music — музыка
Information Technology (IT) — информатика
Physical Education (PE) — физкультура
Days of the week (Дни недели)
Sunday — воскресенье
Monday — понедельник
Tuesday — вторник
Wednesday — среда
Thursday — четверг
Friday — пятница
Saturday — суббота
School objects (Школьные принадлежности)
pencil sharpener — точилка
ruler — линейка
eraser — ластик
pencil case — пенал
notebook — тетрадь
atlas — атлас
blackboard – классная доска
book — книга
school bag — портфель
pen — ручка
pencil — карандаш
notepad — блокнот
timetable – расписание уроков
dictionary — словарь
textbook — учебник
Список литературы
Обязательная литература:
1. Ваулина Ю.Е. Английский в фокусе.//Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е., Эванс Вирджиния — М.: Просвещение, 2017. — 164с.
2. Ваулина Ю.Е. УМЛ Английский в фокусе. Книга для учителя//Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е., Эванс Вирджиния — М.: Просвещение, 2017. — 189с
Дополнительная литература:
1. Ваулина Ю.Е. Английский язык, Тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА, 5 класс: учеб. пособие для общеобразоват. организаций// Ю.Е. Ваулина, О.Е Подоляко – 4-е изд. – М.:Просвещение, 2016 – 112с.
Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения
Every year in September you come to school. Here you learn new things and make friends. In Russia a schoolyear begins on 1st of September. It lasts 9 months. Children have 4 holidays there.
The academic year in England starts at the beginning of September and is divided into three separate terms. Michaelmas-Term is from September until the mid-December, Lent-Term is from January until end of March and Summer-Term from April until the end of June.
Throughout the terms there is usually 1 week of half term holidays and there may be Exeats, weekends when the school is closed.
School is not only a place for studying; it is a place where we find new relationships and learn to communicate with other people. At school we can enjoy different sports and cultural activities and show our talents. Everyone has an opportunity to take part in different performances at a school parties, or to take part in different sport competitions. Only sensitive teachers can help us. We will remember these teachers all our life.
Our school things play big role in our educating process.
It’s fun to have new schoolbag, pencils, rulers and copybooks. These new bright things help us study better and the educating process becomes more interesting.
No matter where we go to school, the educating process is always fun and useful for us. It helps us become clever and independent people, find friends and discover our talents.
Тренировочные задания
Reading and speaking
Put the sentences in the correct order to build the dialogue.
— Hi, Kate! I’m fine.
— It’s cool. Thanks, Kate. I’m not very good at English.
— Let’s go to the cinema on Sunday.
— Oh, English is my favorite subject. I can help you.
— I’m afraid I can’t. I have an English test on Monday.
— Hello, Ann! How are you?
— I have some free time on Saturday. We can do your English exercises together.
— Great. Then we can go to the cinema on Sunday.
— Ok. See you on Saturday at 5 o’clock.
— Ok. Bye.
Правильный ответ:
— Hello, Ann! How are you?
— Hi, Kate! I’m fine.
— Let’s go to the cinema on Sunday.
— I’m afraid I can’t. I have an English test on Monday.
— Oh, English is my favorite subject. I can help you.
— It’s cool. Thanks, Kate. I’m not very good at English.
— I have some free time on Saturday. We can do your English exercises together.
— Great. Then we can go to the cinema on Sunday.
— Ok. See you on Saturday at 5 o’clock.
— Ok. Bye.
Use of English
Choose the right article.
1) a / an eraser
2) a / an ruler
3) a / an notepad
4) a / an pencil
5) a / an timetable
Правильный ответ:
1) a / an eraser
2) a / an ruler
3) a / an notepad
4) a / an pencil
5) a / an timetable