Конспект урока
Английский язык, 11 класс
Урок № 34. Space Technology
На уроке:
- Формирование, совершенствование лексики: abduct, alien, analyse, beam, broadcast, confine, convince, encourage/discourage, extraterrestrial, human race, intelligence, satellite, solar system
- Развитие лексических навыков через чтение, аудирование, выполнение упражнений
- Активизация грамматических навыков по теме «Косвенная речь»
- Расширение страноведческих знаний в области «Космос»
- Развитие мышления, логики, памяти, языковой догадки
Ход урока:
Мотивационный модуль: заинтересовать в теме урока, активизировать лексику по теме, мотивировать к изучению страноведческого компонента по теме
Look at the picture. This is the topic for our lesson. Predict. What is it? (пауза для обдумывания)
Через 3-4 секунды (или по щелчку мыши) появляется часть:
This is a multi-beam screensaver – the radio signal system for signing from civilizations from other planets. SETI is the scientific organization which works with it.
Can you guess the abbreviation expansion? (пауза для обдумывания)
Через 3-4 секунды (или по щелчку мыши) всплывает расшифровка (медленно, по одной строке)
S — Search
ET — for Extraterrestrial
I – Intelligence
Вариативная часть: Т-3.
Can you guess the capital cities? Look carefully at the maps.
И-3 И-4
Now guess 2 places of interest in these cities.
- И-5
2 И-8 И-9
- Moscow , Museum of cosmonautics
- Washington DC , National Air and Space Museum
Do these world famous museums collect anything about extraterrestrial life?
Do they care about hypothesis that aliens may be existed?
Can visitors observe equipment which help scientists sweep the skies or broadcast a radio message about human race?
If you want to know more, please, visit the sites of these fantastic places:
National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC — https://airandspace.si.edu
Museum of cosmonautics in Moscow — http://www.kosmo-museum.ru
A-1 = Т-2 (одновременно)
During the lesson we are going to discover the scientific ways of catching messages from the “alien civilizations”, you will know some facts about solar system and will work with vocabulary “Space Technology”.
Объясняющий модуль: формирование и совершенствование лексических единиц по теме «Космические технологии», развитие языковой догадки, развитие навыков аудирования, чтения.
You are going to work with “Space Technology” vocabulary. Please, be sure that you understand the meaning of some science words correctly.
Теоретическая часть. Снятие сложностей. Работа над лексикой по теме.
Тв – 1.
- Look at a word and tick its science meaning:
Sweep (swept-swept) – подметать/размах/пространство, охватываемое взглядом:
• To sweep a floor/the streets/ a chimney
• To clean away/sweep up a mess
• To sweep the crumbs from the table
• To sweep the guitar
• To sweep the skies
- You can see the synonyms for the given science words, but one variant in each group is not right, tick it:
- Convince — убедить:
- Assure
- Persuade
- Reason
- Deal
- Confine — ограничивать:
- Announce
- Limit
- Restrict
- Terminate
- Grain — зерно:
- Corn
- Seed
- Granule
- Blow
- Shred — кусок:
- Piece
- Sack
- Bit
- Fragment
- Evidence — доказательство:
- Alert
- Proof
- Witness
- Demonstration
- Abduct — похищать:
- Kidnap
- Steal
- Regret
- Rob
- Which word is connected with “Space” vocabulary: (слово extraterrestrial
связано с темой «Космос», а два других напрямую нет)
- extraordinary
- extracurricular
- extraterrestrial
- Do you know the abbreviation expansion of BBC?
- BBC – Best Baked Cake
- BBC – Bottom of Beggar Creation
- BBC – British Broadcast Corporation
- BBC – Bed and Breakfast Cottage
- Tick all the variants of the translation of the word “Луч” :
- Beam
- Ray
- Sunlight
- Wires
- Wave
- Line
- A flash of hope
- Arm of an angle
- Think all the possible purposes of satellite:
- Earth observation satellite
- Appliance satellite
- Communication satellite
- Fertiliser satellite
- Navigation satellite
- Weather satellite
- Space telescopes
- Ребус-соответствие: английские слова прописаны в первом столбике, перевод слов распределен хаотично по оставшемуся экрану, нужно соединить слова в пары: английское слово с соответствующим переводом.
Can you catch the difference of these words?
Intellect – интеллект/разум/ум
Intellectual – интеллектуальный/разумный
Intellection – мышление/деятельность ума
Intelligence – интеллект/умственные способности
Intelligent – разумный/понимающий
Intelligible – понятный/ вразумительный/ доходчивый
Intelligenced — осведомленный, понятливый, понимающий
Резюме теоретической части. Распознавание новой лексики в аудировании. Активизация грамматических навыков по теме «Косвенная речь».
Now you are ready to work with new vocabulary.
You will watch the conversation of 3 people.
During the 1st watching (without subtitle) you should catch the idea of the conversation.
The 2nd watching is with English subtitles. Each person’s speech is pointed out with the special colour. The 1st speaker’s speech is white, the 2nd – red, the 3rd – blue.
If needed, you can watch the video with Russian subtitles.
All the other watching can be stopped at any place to clarify the understanding. Work in your own pace until you catch all the details and recognize new vocabulary.
Разговор составлен на основе лексического материала Модуля 6 урока 34, а также предыдущих уроков (Модуль 1-5).
Видеоролик нужно снять на фоне любого научного музея/экспозиции. Нужно соблюсти образы героев.
Characters: 1st speaker– person who is keen on astronomy, 2nd speaker – an ordinary person, the friend of the 1st speaker, 3rd speaker- the 2nd speaker’s teenage cousin who doesn’t care about science at all (he is chewing the bubble gum and wearing the earphones, listening to the music)
Часть 1. Беседуют 1ый и 2ой говорящие.
Номер говорящего | Диалог | Перевод (для русских субтитров) |
2 | I know you are interested in cosmos. | Я знаю, ты интересуешься космосом |
1 | Yes. I’m fascinated by astronomy. I’ve got extracurricular activity at school. We study solar system. We learn the gravitationally bound system of the planets and the Sun plus other objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly. | Да. Я очень увлечён астрономией. У нас в школе есть внеурочная деятельность по этому предмету. Мы изучаем солнечную систему. Мы изучаем гравитационно связанную систему планет и Солнца плюс другие объекты, которые ее прямо или косвенно вращают. |
2 | Wow! Sounds incredibly educational. | Ух ты! Звучит невероятно ценно для образования. |
1 | Last time we discussed the hypothesis about existing of intelligent life in the Galaxy. | В прошлый раз мы обсудили гипотезу о существовании разумной жизни в Галактике. |
2 | I see. You should definitely visit the new exhibition in our national museum. | Понятно. Тебе обязательно надо посетить новую выставку в нашем национальном музее. |
1 | Is the ticket price affordable? | А мы можем себе позволить такую стоимость билетов? Стоимость билетов доступная ? |
2 | It’s decent. Don’t worry. | Да, цена приемлема вполне доступная. Не волнуйся. |
1 | Let’s go there immediately. | Пошли туда прямо сейчас. |
2 | Ok. Do you mind taking my cousin with us? | Ок. Ты не против если с нами пойдёт мой двоюродный брат? |
1 | Oh! It will be science promotion for him. | Хорошо. Это будет реклама науки для него. |
Часть 2. Присоединяется 3ий говорящий (визуально создаёт образ подростка, которому не интересна наука, жуёт жвачку, в наушниках). Все стоят в музее.
In the museum.
Номер говорящего | Диалог | Перевод (для русских субтитров) |
1 | Let’s comb this museum! | Давай «прочешем» здесь всё |
3 | What? (takes out one earphone) To comb? What’s wrong with my hairstyle? | Что? (снимает один наушник) Причешем? Что не так с моей причёской? |
1 | I said we should watch the exposition very carefully. It’s a worthy place. | Я образно сказал, что нам следует посмотреть эту выставку очень внимательно. Это стоящее место. |
3 | Go ahead. | Пошли! Вперёд! |
1 | (looks around) Marvelous. Can you see that flash? | (оглядывается) изумительно! Ты видишь вон ту вспышку? |
3 | What? (takes out one earphone) | Что? (снимает один наушник) |
2 | He asked if you could see that flash over there. | Он спросил тебя видишь ли ты вон ту вспышку. |
1 | Look. It’s between the satellite and the life-size telescope. Let’s come closer. | Смотрите. Она между спутником и телескопом реального размера. в натуральную величину. |
2 | What is it? | Что это? |
1 | It’s the flash of laser light. | Это вспышка лазерного излучения. |
2 | What for? | Для чего это происходит? |
1 | Scientists think that the alien civilization might be beaming across space. | Ученые считают, что инопланетная цивилизация может посылать лучи сквозь пространство. |
3 | Do you believe in abducting people by aliens? | Ты веришь в похищение людей пришельцами? |
1 | I haven’t caught the idea of his question. | Я не понял смысл его вопроса |
2 | He wondered if you believed that aliens can steal, rob or take the people away. | Он хотел бы знать, веришь ли ты в то, что инопланетяне могут похитить, своровать или забрать людей с собой на свою планету. |
1 | May be. Why not? | Возможно. Почему бы и нет. |
3 | Has any human seen the real alien? | Кто-нибудь хоть раз видел инопланетянина? |
1 | So we have a great deal of movies about extraterrestrial life. | Существует множество фильмов о внеземной жизни. |
3 | Extra what????????? | Вне какой?????? |
2 | He means the intelligent life which might be existed in our galaxy. | Он имеет ввиду разумную жизнь, которая может существовать в нашей галактике. |
3 | Oh! And each director creates his own version of UFO. And they like to fantasize about the establishing the contact with aliens. | О! И каждый режиссёр создаёт свою версию НЛО. Каждый придумывает «свой» сценарий установления контакта с пришельцами. |
2 | Attention! The museum channel broadcasts breaking news about their new advanced beam which hunts for extraterrestrial intelligence. | Внимание! Телеканал музея транслирует важные новости о своем новом усовершенствованном улучшенном луче, который охотится за внеземным разумом. |
3 | Face the fact, my friends, the military system has been using this kind of radio wave, too. | Посмотрите фактам в глаза, друзья мои, система военных давно использует такой вид лучей. |
1 | Look at this precious beam. | Посмотрите на этот драгоценное излучение. |
3 | Look at me. I’m beaming too. My smile is precious too. | Посмотрите на меня. Я излучаю энергию тоже. Моя улыбка драгоценна тоже. |
1 | Sorry? | Извини, что? |
3 | I said my smile was precious too, smart alec. | Я сказал, что моя улыбка драгоценна, как и твой луч, умник. |
1 | I beg you to stop. I can convince you that this information is strikingly valuable for me. I’m dedicated to this kind of search. I need to know as much as possible about sweeping the skies and downloading the screensaver. | Прошу вас, остановитесь! Перестань, пожалуйста! Я заверяю вас, что эта информация очень ценна для меня. Я увлечён этим исследованием. Мне нужно знать как можно больше об изучении неба через телескоп и загрузке данных на свой компьютер. |
2 | Why? | Зачем? |
1 | I’m going to join the scientific organization which analyses signals from the radio telescopes. | Я хочу присоединиться к научной организации, которая анализирует сигналы, полученные с телескопов. |
2 | Terrific idea. | Потрясающая идея. |
3 | Terrible idea. It seems like sitting around. It will confine your free time. Won’t you complain of lack of time? | Ужасная идея. Будешь просто сидеть и бездельничать. Это будет ограничивать твоё свободное время. Ты не будешь жаловаться на нехватку времени? |
1 | In fact, it is a very convenient system. They’ll help me to tune in and if I’ve got any shred of unknown signal, it will be an encouraging situation. | На самом деле, это очень удобная система. Они помогут мне настроиться на радиоволну, и если я получу хоть какой-то обрывок неопознанного сигнала, это будет обнадеживающая ситуация надежды на установление связей. |
3 | Ye-ye. Or discouraging. | Да-да. Или обескураживающая. |
1 | Do you intentionally drive me crazy? I’m going to force you out of the museum. | Ты намеренно сводишь меня с ума? Я хотел бы выгнать тебя из этого музея. |
3 | What? | Что? |
2 | He said that he was going to force you out of the museum. | Он сказал, что хотел бы выгнать тебя собирается силой вытащить тебя из этого музея. |
3 | Hey, pal. I’m immensely tired of this event. This is excruciating excursion for me too. | Эй, приятель. Я очень устал от вашего мероприятия. Эта экскурсия мучительна для меня тоже. |
1 | So why are you here? For teasing me? | Так почему ты здесь тогда? Подразнить меня? |
3 | Do you want to know the truth? Look at this antenna. | Ты хочешь знать правду? Посмотри на эту антенну. |
2 | What is this roar? | Что это за рёв? |
3 | It’s a rescue signal or distress call. I’m leaping into the action. See you later… | Это сигнал спасения или сигнал бедствия. Мне пора принять участие в этом |
1,2 | What action??????? | В чём? |
(The third speaker is running away with the lighting antenna on his head.) | Третий говорящий убегает, и на его голове светится огонёк |
Далее следует самостоятельная работа с видео, делая паузы в необходимых местах, повторяя непонятные моменты. Работа над пониманием общего смысла, с выборочным и детальным пониманием. Должно быть три режима переключения субтитров: русские, английские или без них.
Тренировочный модуль: совершенствование лексических навыков.
- Тв-7 (тип тренажёра №1)
Выбери синонимы к слову:
- Convince
- Assure
- Persuade
- Deal
- Confine
- Announce
- Limit
- Restrict
- Grain
- Corn
- Seed
- Blow
- Shred
- Piece
- Sack
- Fragment
- Evidence
- Alert
- Proof
- Witness
- Тв-8 (тип тренажёра №1)
Выбери синоним к слову:
- Abduct
- Kidnap
- Fancy
- Regret
- Beam
- Spirit
- Ray
- Orbit
- Sky
- Wisdom
- Human
- Heaven
- Research
- Exist
- Exploration
- Exploit
- Human being
- Alien
- Satellite
- Person
- Тв-9 (тип тренажёра №3)
Установи соответствия между картинками и словами
Alien, satellite, antenna, human
- Тв-10 (тип тренажёра 6)
Подстановка предлагаемых слов в пропуски в тексте
Words to fill in: hunt, light, are, sand, skies.
It’s known that there ____ more stars in the cosmos than grains of _____ on all the beaches of the world.
Astronomers began their high-tech ____ for the extraterrestrial life.
They also comb the ____ looking for flashes of laser _______.
- Тв-11 (тип тренажёра №12)
Подчеркни положительное отношение говорящего к науке.
- I’m fascinated by the new space exhibition.
- The colloquium was incredibly educational.
- It was waste of time to visit this “marvelous” laser exposition.
- He is dedicated to the space research that’s why this show was precious for him.
- I’m fascinated by the new space exhibition.
- The colloquium was incredibly educational.
- It was waste of time to visit this “marvelous” laser exposition.
- He is dedicated to the space research that’s why this show was precious for him.
- Тв-12 (тип тренажёра № 5)
Добавь надпись к картинкам
Ответы: Beams, comet, grains, alien, moon, sand, galaxy
- Тв-13 (тип тренажёра №8)
Кроссворд: 12клеток Х 13 клеток
Вставь слова, распознавая их на слух. . Диктор произнесёт слово дважды.
Аудио запись слов – А2.
Диктор произносит номер слова и само слово 2 раза с паузой в 1-2 секунды. Например: “the word number one is Escape…(1-2 сек) …Escape”
7. | |||||||||||
1. | |||||||||||
2. | |||||||||||
3. | |||||||||||
4. | |||||||||||
5. | |||||||||||
6. | |||||||||||
- Escape
- Universe
- Analyse
- Establish
- Determine
- Hypothesis
- Civilization
7. | |||||||||||
1. | e | s | c | a | p | e | |||||
i | |||||||||||
2. | u | n | i | v | e | r | s | e | |||
i | |||||||||||
3. | a | n | a | l | y | s | e | ||||
i | |||||||||||
4. | e | s | t | a | b | l | i | s | h | ||
a | |||||||||||
5. | d | e | t | e | r | m | i | n | e | ||
i | |||||||||||
6. | h | y | p | o | t | h | e | s | i | s | |
n |
- Тв-14 (тип тренажёра №14)
Find 13 words: 5 vertical and 8 horizontal. Words can cross.
l | i | f | e | d | k | p | e | q | d |
w | n | p | o | s | s | i | b | l | e |
r | s | c | i | e | n | t | i | s | t |
e | t | x | z | x | a | q | l | a | a |
p | e | a | f | i | n | d | l | f | k |
l | a | c | k | s | j | o | i | n | e |
y | d | l | a | t | a | l | o | n | e |
v | p | e | v | i | d | e | n | c | e |
l | i | f | e | ||||||
n | p | o | s | s | i | b | l | e | |
r | s | c | i | e | n | t | i | s | t |
e | t | x | l | a | |||||
p | e | f | i | n | d | l | k | ||
l | a | c | k | s | j | o | i | n | e |
y | d | t | a | l | o | n | e | ||
e | v | i | d | e | n | c | e |
l | i | f | e | ||||||
n | p | o | s | s | i | b | l | e | |
r | s | c | i | e | n | t | i | s | t |
e | t | x | l | a | |||||
p | e | f | i | n | d | l | k | ||
l | a | c | k | s | j | o | i | n | e |
y | d | t | a | l | o | n | e | ||
e | v | i | d | e | n | c | e |
Вариативная часть.
- Тв-15 (тип тренажёра № 13)
Выдели цветом подлежащее и сказуемое.
- Space stations and human spacecraft in orbit are also satellites.
- A few large satellites have been launched in parts and assembled in orbit.
- Fixed satellite services handle hundreds of billions of voice, data, and video transmission tasks across all countries and continents.
- Space stations and human spacecraft in orbit are also satellites.
- A few large satellites have been launched in parts and assembled in orbit.
- Fixed satellite services handle hundreds of billions of voice, data, and video transmission tasks across all countries and continents.
- Тв-16 (повыш) (тип тренажёра №3)
Установи соответствие между заголовками (1-4) и текстами (A-D).
1 — “Space adventure” computer game
2 – Space Science Adventures educational center
3 – Adventure Science fiction film
4 — Space tourism company
А. Founded in 1998, Space Adventures is the world’s premier private spaceflight company and the only company currently providing opportunities for private astronauts to fly to and live in space. To date we have arranged eight spaceflights for seven clients, who cumulatively spent over 80 days in space and traveled nearly 30 million miles in space.
В. Let a Rocket Scientist bring Space Science Adventures into your classroom.
Professional Telescope Stargazing at your location. We Inspire you students with interactive hands-on classroom demonstrations. Take a 1 hour trip through Solar System at your schools Auditorium.
С. Landing safely on the Moon, the astronomers get out of the capsule without the need of space suits and watch the Earth rise in the distance. Exhausted by their journey, they unroll their blankets and sleep. As they sleep, a comet passes, the Big Dipper appears with human faces peering out of each star, old Saturn leans out of a window in his ringed planet.
D. After registration you receive 1000 silver on balance for purchases as a gift. It is enough to employ a starprobe vehicle which will collect to you resources. For collected resources you will be able to receive silver or gold on balance for payment and to withdraw money for the e-wallet or to employ even more starprobe vehicles.
Ответы: 1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A
Контрольный модуль: контроль лексических навыков.
Вариант 1.
- Тв- 17 (баз) (тип тренажёра № 2)
Выберите синоним к данному слову. Правильный вариант выделен цветом.
Limit: rob, steal, confine
Persuade: convince, join, disturb
Grain: chimney, beam, seed
Kidnap: clean, abduct, broadcast
Proof: strike, beg, evidence
- Тв- 18 (баз) (тип тренажёра №9)
Сортировка элементов по категориям. Поставь слова в нужный столбик
Advanced Enable Beam Beam Comb Comb Factual Wave Discouraging Convince Race Extraterrestrial Establish Comet Pretty
Verb | Noun | Adjective |
Verb | Noun | Adjective |
Comb | Comb | Factual |
Beam | Beam | Extraterrestrial |
Establish | Wave | Discouraging |
Convince | Race | Advanced |
Enable | Comet | Pretty |
- Тв- 19(баз) (тип тренажёра №13)
Выдели цветом верные утверждения:
- The Sun is the Solar System’s star and by far its most massive component.
- Extraterrestrial life has evidence made by European scientists.
- Aliens usually abduct people and then turn them back.
- There is a special research organization which continues sweeping the skies with space equipment.
- The Sun is the Solar System’s star and by far its most massive component.
- Extraterrestrial life has evidence made by European scientists.
- Aliens usually abduct people and then turn them back.
- There is a special research organization which continues sweeping the skies with space equipment.
- Тв-20 (повыш) (тип тренажёра №3)
Установи соответствие между словом и его объяснением.
Wave (in physics) | a computer program that blanks the screen or fills it with moving images or patterns when the computer is not in use |
UFO | the distribution of audio or video content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium |
Screensaver | an object observed in the sky that is not readily identified |
Broadcasting | it is a disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space |
UFO — an object observed in the sky that is not readily identified
Screensaver — a computer program that blanks the screen or fills it with moving images or patterns when the computer is not in use
Wave — In physics, it is a disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space
Broadcasting — the distribution of audio or video content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium
- Тв- 21 (повыш) (тип тренажёра №10)
Составь предложение, учитывая порядок слов.
- Is, system, the, solar, the, bound, planets, gravitationally, of, the, and, system, Sun.
Ответ: Solar system is the gravitationally bound system of the planets and the Sun.
- Listen, waves, sweeping, with, the, radio, to, by, scientists, the, telescopes, the, skies, huge, radio.
Ответ: The scientists listen to the radio waves by sweeping the skies with huge radio telescopes.
- Тв- 22 (повыш) (тип тренажёра №3)
Установи соответствие между заголовками и текстами.
- Science activities in the museum
- Extract from Wikipedia
- Advert in space technology
- Space park news
- The public events are designed to teach science and arts through play. Whether climbing on a giant Jupiter, running through the space station maze, or dancing in the flares of the sun, at this space land kids learn to associate science with a great time.
- Scientific investigation began shortly after the advent of radio in the early 1900s, and focused international efforts have been going on since the 1980s.[4] In 2015 Stephen Hawking and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner announced a well-funded effort called the Breakthrough Initiatives
- Learn by doing! Explore the science of aerodynamics, learn about the cultural history surrounding aviation, test your knowledge of geography, and more through these interactive activities.
- Launching a new product, service or event in the space industry often takes a great deal of work and often marketing staff have exhausted most of their budget, time and energy. These are the guys who are happy to do lots of the heavy lifting for you – helping generate the snowball effect that brings your new offering into contact with those likely to buy from you.
Ответы: 1-C, 2-B, 3-D, 4-A
- Тв- 23 (выс) (тип тренажёра №6)
Прочитайте текст. Выберите слова, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Words to fill in: useful, useless send, have been sent, was sending, science, scientists, scientific, corporation, corporate, name, named, earn, is earning.
Ответы: 1 – scientists, 2 – name, 3 – have been sent, 4 – useful, 5 – corporation, 6 – earn.
- Тв — 24 (выс) (тип тренажёра №15)
Введите пропущенные слова, соблюдая их грамматические формы.
Extract from Wikipedia:
Space Adventures, Ltd. is a Virginia, USA-based space tourism company f_____ in 1998 by Eric C. Anderson. As of 2010, offerings include zero-g______ atmospheric flights, orbital spaceflights (with the option to participate in a space w _____), and other spaceflight-related experiences including c______ training, spacewalk training, and launch tours.
Ответы: founded, gravity, walk, cosmonaut
- Тв- 25 (выс) (тип тренажёра №9)
Распредели (перетащи) информацию в правильный столбец
Space science fiction | Real facts about space taken from Wikipedia | Info about extraterrestrial intelligence |
- Spiral galaxies get their name for the alternating bands of bright starry and dark dusty gas swirls that pinwheel off of a bright, central core.
- These hypothetical life forms may range from simple prokaryotes to beings with civilizations far more advanced than humanity
- Planets are generally divided into two main types: large low-density giant planets, and smaller rocky terrestrials.
- The astronomer tells the industrialist that he has been in contact with space aliens who want to open up their world to interstellar trade. Their world needs help.
- Some astronomers search for extrasolar planets that may be conducive to life,
- During the year 1866, ships of several nations spot a mysterious space monster, which some suggest to be a giant narwhal.
Space science fiction | Real facts about space taken from Wikipedia | Info about extraterrestrial intelligence |
The astronomer tells the industrialist that he has been in contact with space aliens who want to open up their world to interstellar trade. Their world needs help. | Spiral galaxies get their name for the alternating bands of bright starry and dark dusty gas swirls that pinwheel off of a bright, central core. | These hypothetical life forms may range from simple prokaryotes to beings with civilizations far more advanced than humanity |
During the year 1866, ships of several nations spot a mysterious space monster, which some suggest to be a giant narwhal. | Planets are generally divided into two main types: large low-density giant planets, and smaller rocky terrestrials. | Some astronomers search for extrasolar planets that may be conducive to life, |
Вариант 2.
- Тв- 26 (баз) (тип тренажёра № 2)
Выберите синоним к данному слову. Правильный вариант выделен цветом.
Restrict: confine spell, steal,
Assure: predict, convince,disturb
Corn: grain, force, beam
Abduct: regret, steal, broadcast
Witness: museum, excursion, evidence
- Тв- 27 (баз) (тип тренажёра №9)
Сортировка элементов по категориям. Поставь слова в нужный столбик
Grain Beam Beam Comb Comb Factual Wave Discouraging Convince Shred Extraterrestrial Download Advanced Enable Military
Verb | Noun | Adjective |
Verb | Noun | Adjective |
Comb | Comb | Factual |
Beam | Beam | Extraterrestrial |
Download | Wave | Discouraging |
Convince | Shred | Advanced |
Enable | Grain | Military |
- Тв- 28 (баз) (тип тренажёра №13)
Выдели цветом верные утверждения:
- Extraterrestrial intelligence is controlled by humans.
- The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the planets and the Sun plus other objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly
- Scientists practice to abduct aliens and then turn them back.
- We haven’t yet found a shred of convincing proof that alien life exists.
- Extraterrestrial intelligence is controlled by humans.
- The Solar System is the gravitationally bound system of the planets and the Sun plus other objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly
- Scientists practice to abduct aliens and then turn them back.
- We haven’t yet found a shred of convincing proof that alien life exists.
- Тв-29 (повыш) (тип тренажёра №3)
Установи соответствие между словом и его объяснением.
Channel | an artificial object which has been intentionally placed into orbit |
UFOB | television station which has served as the TV contractor and broadcasts regional programme for insertion into the network |
Screensaver | any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type |
Satellite | a computer program that blanks the screen or fills it with moving images or patterns when the computer is not in use |
Screensaver — a computer program that blanks the screen or fills it with moving images or patterns when the computer is not in use
Channel — television station which has served as the TV contractor and broadcasts regional programme for insertion into the network
UFOB — any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type
Satellite is an artificial object which has been intentionally placed into orbit
- Тв- 30 (повыш) (тип тренажёра №10)
Составь предложение, учитывая порядок слов.
- Was, Russians, 1957, the, put, cosmos, first, into, by, in, satellite.
Ответ: The first satellite was put into cosmos by Russians in 1957.
- Us, information, radio, to, through, without, waves, enable, transport, the, atmosphere, wires.
Ответ: Radio waves enable us to transport information through the atmosphere without wires.
- Тв- 31 (повыш) (тип тренажёра №3)
Установи соответствие между заголовками и текстами.
- Space conference promotion
- About the Academician Memorial House
- Space park news
- «Buy Jupiter!»
- Not far from the Monument to the Conquerors of Space, in one of Ostankinskaya side streets, there is a two-storied mansion hidden in the garden behind the green wooden fence. This house, built in 1959, was presented to S.P. Korolev by the Soviet government for creation and successful launch of the first in the world artificial Earth satellite.
- This place has teamed up with Parts and Crafts to bring yet even further creativity and good causes to this already mind blowing event. Since this years Honk is themed around affordable housing, we will be offering a chance for all ages to try to come up with creative solutions
- This is a humorous science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov. It was first published in the May 1958 issue of Venture Science Fiction Magazine, and reprinted in the 1975. The original title of the story was «It Pays,» though it was never published under this name.
- Join us for this special anniversary edition, in the prestigious surroundings of the Egmont Palace, in Brussels, in order to: participate in high level constructive debates between European institutional decision-makers, take advantage of the numerous networking opportunities, benefit from a large visibility by becoming a partner of the event.
Ответы: 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C
- Тв- 32 (выс) (тип тренажёра №6)
Прочитайте текст. Выберите слова, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Words to fill in: will have, has had, have, will circle, circle, has circled, space, spacious, industrial, industry, one, first, multiply, multiple.
Space Adventures’ vision is to open the space frontier to private citizens.
Space Adventures wants as many people as possible to experience what it is like to live in space, to 1 _____ the Earth, or travel beyond Earth orbit. In the next ten years, our clients 2 ______ a choice as to what vehicle to fly to 3_____ on, and will be able to choose from 4 ______ different destinations. By providing newly available space experiences and improving existing ones, Space Adventures will continue to lead the private spaceflight 5 _______ that it began in 2001 with the flight of the world’s 6_______space tourist, our client Dennis Tito.
Ответы: 1 – circle, 2 – will have, 3 – space, 4 – multiple, 5 – industry, 6 — first
- Тв — 33 (выс) (тип тренажёра №15)
Введите пропущенные слова, соблюдая их грамматические формы.
Extract from Wikipedia:
Spacewalk. In 2006, the company Space Adventures, Ltd announced that it would begin offering a spacewalk option to its clients traveling to the ISS (the International Space Station). The spacewalk would a_____ participants to spend up to 1.5 hours o______ the space station and costs about $15 million. It would lengthen the orbital mission approximately six to eight days. The spacewalk would be completed in the Russian designed Orlan space s_____. The training for the spacewalk would require an extra month of t_____ on top of the six months already required.
Ответы: allow, outside, suit, training.
- Тв- 34 (выс) (тип тренажёра №9)
Распредели (перетащи) информацию в правильный столбец
Space science fiction | Real facts about the Moon taken from Wikipedia | Info about broadcasting process |
- It is an astronomical body that orbits planet Earth
- It began with amplitude modulation radio, which came into popular use around 1920 with the spread of vacuum tube tune radio transmitters and receivers.
- Before this, all forms of electronic communication were one-to-one, with the message intended for a single recipient.
- A mathematician realizes that the Galactic Empire will fall, bringing about a dark age, and goes about creating havens of knowledge, or Foundations, to see humanity through.
- The first human-made object to reach the surface of the Earth’s only permanent natural satellite was the Soviet Union’s Luna 2.
- The young man progresses through a military training academy, then he is recruited into the war against an insect-like alien race called the «Buggers.»
Space science fiction | Real facts about the Moon taken from Wikipedia | Info about broadcasting process |
A mathematician realizes that the Galactic Empire will fall, bringing about a dark age, and goes about creating havens of knowledge, or Foundations, to see humanity through. | It is an astronomical body that orbits planet Earth | It began with amplitude modulation radio, which came into popular use around 1920 with the spread of vacuum tube tune radio transmitters and receivers. |
The young man progresses through a military training academy, then he is recruited into the war against an insect-like alien race called the «Buggers.» | The first human-made object to reach the surface of the Earth’s only permanent natural satellite was the Soviet Union’s Luna 2. | Before this, all forms of electronic communication were one-to-one, with the message intended for a single recipient. |