Конспект урока
Английский язык, 10 класс
Урок №39: Why organic farming?
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Перечень вопросов, рассматриваемых в теме:
What do you prefer benefit for the environment or easy-to-grow crops that are harmful for the nature? Organic farming that uses old-fashioned ways, or the modern machinery?
Глоссарий по теме
Organic farming is not harmful; for the environment, but at the same time it takes a lot of human effort and the food we get is really expensive because of that. On the other hand, machines that are used in farming make the life of farmers easier and the food, grown that way is cheaper, but this way is quite harmful for the environment. To talk about different types of farming we need some words.
beneficial — полезный,
combat — бороться,
crop — урожай,
ecosystem — экосистема,
environment – окружающая среда,
farmer — фермер,
fertilizer — удобрение,
field — поле,
flame — пламя,
greenfly — тля,
insect — насекомое,
insecticide – препарат для уничтожения насекомых, инсектицид,
intensive — интенсивный,
ladybird – божья коровка,
machinery – техника, машины,
maintain — содержать,
man-made – сделанный человеком,
method — метод,
natural – естественный, натуральный,
nutrient – питательное вещество,
organic farming – органическое земледелие,
peelings – кожура, очистки,
pest control – борьба с вредителями,
pesticide – пестицид, ядохимикат,
plant — растение,
produce — производить,
reduce — уменьшать,
richness – плодородие, богатство,
rotating – сменять одну сельскохозяйственную культуру за другой,
spray – распылять, опрыскивать,
tool — инструмент,
tractor — трактор,
weed — сорняк.
Основная и дополнительная литература по теме
Афанасьева О.В., Дули Д., Михеева И.В., Оби Б., Эванс В. Английский язык 10 класс: Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. – М.: Просвещение, 2017. с. 117, WL-21
Теоретический материал для самостоятельного изучения
Organic farming just like any other thing has its pros and cons. Today we’ll discuss some of them. Let’s start with the pros of the organic farming. Number one is the plants they grow do not contain any GMOs. This means that farmers do not use genetic engineering to make their food better. The food we get as a result of the organic farming has better taste and is safe.
Organic farming is not harmful; for the environment, but at the same time it takes a lot of human effort and the food we get is really expensive because of that. On the other hand, machines that are used in farming make the life of farmers easier and the food, grown that way is cheaper, but this way is quite harmful for the environment. To talk about different types of farming we need some words.
beneficial — полезный,
combat — бороться,
crop — урожай,
ecosystem — экосистема,
environment – окружающая среда,
farmer — фермер,
fertilizer — удобрение,
field — поле,
flame — пламя,
greenfly — тля,
insect — насекомое,
insecticide – препарат для уничтожения насекомых, инсектицид,
intensive — интенсивный,
ladybird – божья коровка,
machinery – техника, машины,
maintain — содержать,
man-made – сделанный человеком,
method — метод,
natural – естественный, натуральный,
nutrient – питательное вещество,
organic farming – органическое земледелие,
peelings – кожура, очистки,
pest control – борьба с вредителями,
pesticide – пестицид, ядохимикат,
plant — растение,
produce — производить,
reduce — уменьшать,
richness – плодородие, богатство,
rotating – сменять одну сельскохозяйственную культуру за другой,
spray – распылять, опрыскивать,
tool — инструмент,
tractor — трактор,
weed — сорняк.
Разбор решения заданий тренировочного модуля.
Задание ТВ 1 Find 10 words
q | m | e | r | w | e | t | r | m | f |
b | e | n | e | f | i | c | i | a | l |
y | t | v | d | e | n | u | c | n | a |
a | h | i | u | r | s | i | h | m | m |
s | o | r | c | t | e | k | n | a | e |
f | d | o | e | i | c | p | e | d | g |
h | j | n | k | l | t | l | s | e | m |
z | x | m | c | i | p | e | s | t | v |
b | n | e | m | z | q | w | e | r | t |
y | u | n | i | e | o | p | l | j | h |
g | f | t | c | r | b | d | n | e | f |
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ТВ – 15
Cons of the organic farming
Choose the right answer.
Despite all the 1) ______ signs, organic farming also has some negative ones. First of all it is the amount of work involved. It is known that 2) __________ farming requires more work than non-organic farming. Another negative side is that organic 3) ________ requires significant knowledge of the farming as well as it also requires more 4)___________ . The last but not the least negative side of the organic farming is that the 5) _________ that we get is more expensive.
- food
- observations
- positive
- farming
- organic
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