Урок 3. Time expressions

Конспект урока

Английский язык, 11 класс

Урок № 3. Time expressions

На уроке вы:

  • будете практиковать употребление конструкции used to –be /get used to-would , фразовых глаголов с come, слов с предлогами for, about, to и форм настоящего, будущего и прошедшего времени глагола;
  • научитесь использовать конструкции used to –be /get used to-would , фразовых глаголов с come, слова с предлогами for, about, to и формы настоящего, будущего и прошедшего времени глагола в устной и письменной речи.


Task 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Dear Diana,

How wonderful it 1)…. (be) to hear from you! I 2)… (be) out of touch for so long and I really miss it!

I’m happy to hear you were able to enjoy a nice autumn, followed by beautiful snow. It 3)….. (be) fairly mild here, too, although recently we 4)….. (get) freezing rain. Hopefully actual snow 5)….. (come) soon. This summer I 6) … (go) to Mongolia to meet my optimistic and outgoing girlfriend Kate. Speaking of her, she 7)…. (come) to visit me soon, so I’m looking forward to that.

As for other news, my nephew Nick 8)….. (grow up) so fast. He 9)…… (be) free in November. It 10) …… (be) so sweet to hear him repeat things quizzically.

Anyway, please 11)…… (send) me more news of you when you get the chance.

Write back soon.

All the best,


Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb (present simple or present continuous) in brackets.

  1. A: Why ……( you/smell) this flower?

B: It ……(smell) fine. Where did you take them.?

  1. A:I……(see) my nephew tonight.

B: I…… (see). So you won’t be coming to the theatre with us then, will you?

  1. A: I know you……(look) for a new place.

B: Yes, it……(look) as if I’ m going to find a new place.

  1. A: We……(think) of travelling abroad.

B: Oh, good for you! I……(think) that’s a good idea.

5 A: What’s up with Jack? He…….(be) usually in good mood.

B: I see. He……(be) really sad today.

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I……(go) to visit my uncle.
  2. They are a bit nervous because they…..(move) to a new place.
  3. My sister……(graduate) from the university by the end of July.
  4. This time next week, she…..(go) to the US.
  5. My parents…..(visit) their friends this weekend.
  6. She … (meet) her classmate next Sunday.
  7. The money we get … ( just about pay) for the new car.

Task 4. Choose the correct alternative

  1. She is to visit/is about us next month.
  2. Hurry up. The plane is on the point of/is about to leave.
  3. My plan is bound/is due to work.
  4. The bus is about/is to having to arrive.
  5. Is there anything I can do about/in my family situation?
  6. The great thing of/about my friend is that he never gives up
  7. I’m concerned about/for my relatives.

Task 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I……(visit) my uncle yesterday..
  2. They were a bit nervous because they… (move) to a new place.
  3. My sister……(graduate) from the university by the end of July last year.
  4. This time last week, she…..(go) to the US.
  5. My parents…..(visit) their friends last weekend.
  6. About half the people … (agree).
  7. His sister had a favorite dress which she … (buy) with her first wages.

Task 6. Choose the correct alternative

  1. When I was a child, I used to/was used to live in a small village.
  2. My granny would/was used to tell fairy tales when I was small.
  3. I am used to/used to getting up early.
  4. I used to /would go on holiday with my parents, but now I go with my friends.
  5. I didn’t use to/get used to wear jeans when I was a child.
  6. Whenever they met, they would/used to argue.
  7. It wasn’t difficult to get used to /use to living in the country.

Task 7. Choose the correct alternative

1 .Everything shows that Ann is coming up with/down with the illness.

2. The students came across/ up with some popular games for the meeting.

3.Tom came over/ across a large inheritance and bought a new car.

4.They come into/at least two times a month for a visit.

5. I have been playing the guitar for/till two hours.

6.I always do it for/to my grandpa’s sake.

7.Do you see this book at/for the first time?

Task 8. Choose the correct answer

1 .Everything shows that Ann is coming up with/down with the illness.

2. The students came across/ up with some popular games for the meeting.

3. Tom came over/ across a large inheritance and bought a new car.

4. Jane came along/over last week.

5. That day Oleg came across/up his ex-wife.

6. They come into/at least two times a month for a visit.

7. They are coming back/ along on Monday 

Task 9. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb

1.We had better not go out: it ………. (snow) very hard.

2. ……….. (ever — you — visit) such wonderful places?

3 When Dima …….. (be) young, he never …….. (go)

to a theatre performance.

4. By the time mum …… (arrive) she …. (already – go)

5.What …. (he) — do) tonight? …. (he ) – want — go out?

6.When I,… (to come) to the bus stop, I ….(to see) a boy who ….( to play) with a dog.

7.Next Sunday he …. (to) play tennis from ten till twelve.

Task 10. Fill in the correct tenses. Use the verb in brackets.

  1. ____ your friend ever ____(win) a prize at wrestling?
  2. Timur ___(be) asleep yesterday when he ____(watch) TV.
  3. My granny never____ (be) to Japan.
  4. We_____( do) a lot of things yesterday.
  5. I sometimes _____(ride) a horse.
  6. Sasha ______(go) to visit his grandfather yesterday.
  7. Olga ___(find) the key yet which she ___(lose) in the morning.
  8. They_____(build) their house in 2015.
  9. While I ____(sleep), my daughter ____( cook) a cake.
  10. He ____( live) in Ulan-Ude for three years.

Task 11. Fill in the correct tenses. Use the verb in brackets.

Complete the sentences with the correct tense.
1. When mum Урок 3. Time expressions (arrive), we Урок 3. Time expressions (have) supper.
2. Урок 3. Time expressions he Урок 3. Time expressions (already arrive) in Paris?
3. I Урок 3. Time expressions (not see) him for a week.
4. Grandpa Урок 3. Time expressions (smoke) his pipe while grandma Урок 3. Time expressions (prepare) the tea.
5. My sister Урок 3. Time expressions (already do) the washing up.
6. Look! It Урок 3. Time expressions (rain) now.
7. She Урок 3. Time expressions (have) a car accident last winter.
8. Last night I Урок 3. Time expressions (watch) TV when suddenly I Урок 3. Time expressions (hear) a scream.
9. Kate Урок 3. Time expressions (already start) her new job.
10. Last week my dog Урок 3. Time expressions (run) away, and I Урок 3. Time expressions (not find) it yet.

Task 12. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the correct tense.

1. I Урок 3. Time expressions (not see) him for a month.
2. When Ben Урок 3. Time expressions (try) to open the door, he Урок 3. Time expressions (drop) his mobile phone.
3. They Урок 3. Time expressions (live) in Ulan-Bator since 1987.

4. Урок 3. Time expressions you Урок 3. Time expressions (see) her at the party?
5. Mary Урок 3. Time expressions (be) in Irkutsk for three days.
6. The teacher Урок 3. Time expressions (enter) the classroom when he  Урок 3. Time expressions (clean) the blackboard.
7. She Урок 3. Time expressions (buy) a new dress last week.
8. I think that they Урок 3. Time expressions (arrive) at the weekend.

Task 13. Complete the sentences with the correct tense

1.I _______ the Star Wars films. 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) have never seen Урок 3. Time expressions B) have ever seen Урок 3. Time expressions C) have never saw 

2. They_____ for Google_____2004. 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) worked / for Урок 3. Time expressions B) ’ve worked / since Урок 3. Time expressions C) ’re working / since 

3. ____Neil_____ that he didn’t get the job? 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) Did / tell Урок 3. Time expressions B) Have / told Урок 3. Time expressions C) Has / been told 

4.If you ______ that expensive car, you ___ enough money to go on holiday. 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) buy / won’t have Урок 3. Time expressions B) bought / don’t have Урок 3. Time expressions C) don’t buy / won’t have 

5. What ____ if you ____a mobile phone? 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) will you do / haven’t Урок 3. Time expressions B) would you did / had Урок 3. Time expressions C) would you do / didn’t have 

6. “Sorry I’m late. _____for a long time?” 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) Have you waited Урок 3. Time expressions B) Are you waiting Урок 3. Time expressions C) Have you been waiting 

7.Leo’s French isn’t very good. He ____it for very long. 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) has been learning Урок 3. Time expressions B) hasn’t been learning Урок 3. Time expressions C) hasn’t learned 

8. Ellen ____ that she needs to do more exercise. 
Урок 3. Time expressions A) has been realizing Урок 3. Time expressions B) is realized Урок 3. Time expressions C) has realized 

Task 14. Fill in used to, be/get used to or would where possible.

When Nina was small, her family…..live in a small village not far from Chita. The villagers…..keep cows and we …….often buy milk from them. In the summer holidays, my twin sister and I……….love swimming in the river. Sometimes we…..pick mushrooms in the forest. Now we live in Tula. I…..(not) living in a big city with so much noise.

Task 15. Fill in the correct tenses. Use the verb in brackets

1. Tom usually Урок 3. Time expressions (go) to work by bus.
2. Yesterday morning I Урок 3. Time expressions (wake) up at 6.
3.  Урок 3. Time expressions you ever Урок 3. Time expressions (be) to China?»
4. «What Урок 3. Time expressions they Урок 3. Time expressions (do) at the moment?»
5. It Урок 3. Time expressions (snow) now. It Урок 3. Time expressions (begin) snowing an hour ago. It Урок 3. Time expressions (snow) for an hour.
6. Урок 3. Time expressions you Урок 3. Time expressions (finish)?
7.  Урок 3. Time expressions (be) one of the tallest students in the class.
8. My sister Урок 3. Time expressions (work) as a doctor for ten years


https://ru-clip.com/video/…/упражнения-на-used-to-would.html )



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